Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Trust in the establishment is gone.


The internet destroyed trust in the establishment for anyone paying attention.

In the last decade the establishment has attempted to regain control by biasing search engines, taking down or shadowbanning websites, having their teams turn Wikipedia into an establishment bullshit site, reliable only for things that don't undermine establishment lies, etc.

I don't think it's working.

When the establishment of the west support the Israeli regime unreservedly in their continual bombing, destruction and theft of Palestinian people and property how can they be trusted?

Trust in medicine?


Trust in media?


Trust in government?


What remains?

Only trust in those voices that realise the completely untrustworthy nature of the establishment.

Monday, October 14, 2024

The truth about hell

Hell is usually thought of as hot, but according to the most trustworthy accounts I've read the heaven realms are warm and beautiful and as we move closer to what some would call "hell" it gets colder and uglier, and this process continues until we reach the "stuck in the mud" area (see "A Soldier's Story" in "Gone West" by JSM Ward). It's a trip downwards into progressively worse realities. 

Those in the hell realms are there because of what they have become by their own choices and there is always the option to move upwards by accepting a different approach, which often means accepting help from those tasked with visiting such realms, making themselves available to anyone open to receiving help from a lighted being, which seems to a small minority at any one time.

The modern trust dilemma and the importance of optimism

In the first Matrix movie the greatest embodiment of truth is thought to be The Oracle, but by the second film the protagonist, Neo, is already questioning whether she is just another system of control.

This is where many "truthers" find themselves.

Realising the deep and wide levels of deception in the world the question becomes: who or what can be trusted?

Can the senses be trusted?

They can be fooled.

Can logic be trusted?

What about intuition?

Religion, ideology, politics, political leaders and celebrities. 

Books, documentaries, and films.

Who or what to trust?

Are we living in a simulation?

Are we free spiritual beings or are we prisoners who think we are free?

Without a positive outlook our physical and mental health suffers.

We must develop optimism if we don't already possess it.

How that is achieved when we discover dark truths about the world is the real challenge.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Conscious and unconscious creation

Photo credit: Jason Christoff. 

There's a big difference between conscious creation and unconscious creation. 

Both work and bring either pleasure or pain into our lives. 

The problem with unconscious creation is we think we are at the mercy of fate rather than subject to the result of our free will choices.

We co-create our lives with the people around us. 

This has benefits and disadvantages and is a reason why solitude is so important, for as long as it takes for us to become one with our soul level truth again.

Too long spent around others, especially non-believers, materialists or pessimists, is not good for our physical or spiritual health.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

The mystery of the existence of evil

I think the existence of evil is one of the most perplexing things for people to comprehend. 

We can talk about free will and some beings choosing to use it in a harmful way, but that still doesn't describe how evil got a foothold, and a major one at that (as in "who is the King of this world" from the Bible) and how something pure and innocent can be intentionally corrupted by an unknown, alien, misunderstood being, group of beings or force.

How did evil turn up in this obviously beautiful universe?

One question is whether the battle between good and evil is just a transitory thing, an earthly thing, and an ultimately unimportant thing, perhaps to assist human evolution, or is it a real spiritual struggle with real stake in the game and no guaranteed outcome?

Evil appears to want to destroy all that is good, noble, pure and natural. It seems to be a force or being that hates God and hates God's creations and wants them all destroyed or under its control. 

I have read convincing reasons why this is the case by the prolific spiritual author Kim Michaels, but I can not say with any certainty that he is correct.

It is just beyond my realm of direct knowing.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Noel Gallagher, Kurt Cobain and conspiracy theories

Noel Gallagher of Oasis fame once was asked in a filmed interview, whether he would be interested in watching a documentary called "Soaked in Bleach", and he asked whether the documentary was "conspiracy stuff".

It's a documentary which deals with the final days of Kurt Cobain's life, including his death, with most of it based on tape recordings made by a private investigator hired by Courtney Love, Kurt's wife, to find her husband (who was clearly avoiding her) after he had gone missing for a short period of time after leaving a detox centre in Los Angeles for heroin addiction.

When Noel was told the film was "conspiracy stuff", Noel said he hated conspiracy stuff and that was that.

For a guy who seems quite intelligent, that is a strange thing to say, considering his interest in Kurt and appreciation of his music, and how common conspiracies are in this world and how important historical events can only be understood through the conspiratorial lens.

It showed a lack of curiosity on Noel's part that I find unusual, considering Noel seems like someone who values knowledge, particularly about musicians he admires, like the Beatles and Nirvana, for example.

But there you go. Was Noel one of those people brainwashed to think conspiracy = nonsense, which is a very childish notion and which helps keep the lid on subjects where the truth being widely shared and understood may not only advance justice in the world, it would bring forward the understanding of the human race of what forces are at play in the world. Which is absolutely essential if we are to progress as  race.

If that's not interesting, then I don't know what is. Maybe just some banal nonsense on the TV or in a newspaper, that he perhaps reads, often designed to manipulate the viewer's emotions and to mislead them.

But that's life. Some people like to wear blinders and put limits on their search for truth. As a result, they often end up far less knowledgeable than they could be and far more  easy to mislead, due to an intentional lack of understanding of how the world really works, behind the illusions designed to fool us.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Consciousness and philosophy

.(A response to a Facebook post denying the existence of mind.)

Is mind being confused with consciousness, here? 

In the Vedas, and many other spiritual teachings, consciousness is the one thing we cannot deny. 

Everything else, such as thoughts and sensations, are objects in consciousness, which would either not exist, or not be known about, were it not for consciousness. 

This is the primary philosophical teaching. 

Western philosophy seems to largely ignore this primary truth, which is why much or all of it will eventually evaporate into the winds.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

God and the existence of evil

There is a lot of confusion about evil. 

Some deny it exists and others believe it is a creation of God to test us and to educate and strengthen us.

My own understanding is that neither of these viewpoints are true.

As soon as a being is created with free will the potential for using that will destructively exists.

So evil, from this perspective, is a choice made by a free will being to act destructively, individually or en masse, towards other beings.

Why a being would choose to attempt to control and damage other beings is a big question which requires a detailed answer.

I recommend Kim Michael's books and his website articles for that.

It's been a fascination of his for some time, and his books are very detailed and are the consequence of inspiration, like many writings in the Bible.

To summarise what I'm saying here:

1. God did not create evil, but he created beings with free will that could choose an upward path  or a downward path in evolution.

2. Whether God foresaw how some free will beings would use that free will destructively is beyond my knowledge base. 

I don't necessarily believe God is all knowing, or at least able to predict the outcome of free will choices with certainty. 

That's the whole point of having free will. 

If behaviour could be accurately predicted 100% ahead of time it wouldn't be free will, it would be determinism, which would be like creating an army of robots. 

And that would be boring and pointless.

Without the unexpected there would be very little point to life.

3. By the respecting of free will, even what we would call "evil actions" must be allowed. 

In fact, there may be no way to stop such actions without harming every living thing on the planet.

For example, the great flood in which Noah and his family and a selection of animals (and plants?) survived. 

This was to wipe out the evil (which can mean humankind becoming deeply mired in materialism) which had become out of control and was causing souls to sink into the abyss.

Such circumstances may require the overriding of free will so that a new "playing board" can be created to allow upward spritual growth to happen once again.

Fearing God and cause and effect

I often hear the quote "fear God", but I don't believe it's God we need to fear.

After all, God is all love and mercy.

Instead, what we need to be concerned about is cause and effect. 

This is how we learn. 

There is no punishment, per se, just the outcome of our actions, experienced both here and in the next world. 

How else could we learn, if we never reaped what we sowed? 

In that case we would be able to get away with murder, and this creation would be a madhouse, with no effective governing rules.

Thankfully, that's not how it works, but this fact will upset some, who have acted as if there will be no consequence to what they have done during their lifetime.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Bias on Wikipedia

I think there must be teams that work full-time on contributing to and editing Wikipedia pages to keep them in line with establishment dictated thought.

It's not a coincidence that Wikipedia suffers from philosophical bias. 

In theory, such biases shouldn't exist, because it seems like access to becoming a contributor to Wikipedia is open to anyone. 

But somehow certain group seem to be involving in swaying pages to suit certain viewpoints, and those viewpoints are the ones the establishment try to brainwash everyone with.

That has turned Wikipedia into a misinformation or disinformation site.

Similar to what has become of Google as a search engine.

The internet has been curated to promote prefab establishment ideas and to eliminate or marginalise views that contradict them.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Crop circles and why they are denied

The mainstream media and its adherents treat crop circles as if they are all the work of "dad and Dave", who are some kind of cereal bending geniuses, but for what end?

I don't believe that to be true.

Sure, some crop circles may be man made but I've seen nothing to suggest that they all are.

They often seem to contain some kind of advanced knowledge in symbol form.

A harmless creation to send a message.

For many years the obvious human-ET connection has been be denied by the ruling elite.

To them, open ET-human contact would apparently signal their death knell.

They see our realm as their play thing and they don't want to share it with any one else, particularly any group that is moral and transparent, rather than being secretive and perverse, as they are.

Also, the truth about our existence is their enemy.

The ruling elite rule through deception.

It's a similar story with the monoliths that have appeared and disappeared in natural places around the world in the past few years or so.

I believe they are another signal of a desire for open communication, and suggesting the harmless intention of their creators.

After all, they could have invaded or destroyed us by now with no issues, if they are high tech and malevolent, as Hollywood likes to protray them.

Only ruling class elites and certain religious fanatics see anything sinister in them.

To them, all outside influences are seen as a threat.

They want to protect their selfish control or their narrow world view.

I see hardly any faith in God, in those positions.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Mediocrity in leadership

The mainstream media and its adherents treat crop circles as if they are all the work of "dad and Dave", who are some kind of cereal bending geniuses, but for what end?

I don't believe that to be true.

Sure, some crop circles may be man made but I've seen nothing to suggest that they all are.

They often seem to contain some kind of advanced knowledge in symbol form.

A harmless creation to send a message.

For many years the obvious human-ET connection has been be denied by the ruling elite.

To them, open ET-human contact would apparently signal their death knell.

They see our realm as their play thing and they don't want to share it with any one else, particularly any group that is moral and transparent, rather than being secretive and perverse, as they are.

Also, the truth about our existence is their enemy.

The ruling elite rule through deception.

It's a similar story with the monoliths that have appeared and disappeared in natural places around the world in the past few years or so.

I believe they are another signal of a desire for open communication, and suggesting the harmless intention of their creators.

After all, they could have invaded or destroyed us by now with no issues, if they are high tech and malevolent, as Hollywood likes to protray them.

Only ruling class elites and certain religious fanatics see anything sinister in them.

To them, all outside influences are seen as a threat.

They want to protect their selfish control or their narrow world view.

I see hardly any faith in God, in those positions.

Responsibility for Trump's near assassination

If the Trump shooter was just a brainwashed moron, then responsibility for the near assassination resides in large part with those, particularly in the public eye, who have ridiculously overexaggerated the supposed threat Trump poses to world peace and prosperity if he is re-elected.

Donald J. Trump has already been president once and the sky didn't fall in. 

Why would it fall in if he spent another (brief) 4 years in the White House, now that he understands the (corrupt) system better and can avoid the pitfalls due to his earlier inexperience? 

It wasn't during Trump's term that the horrific terrorist attack occurred in Israel and then Israel's extremist government responded in a predictably more extreme way in response. 

It wasn't during Trump's term that Russian tanks rolled into Ukraine. 

It wasn't during Trump's term that a cost of living crisis emerged. 

So why is it that so many in the media and elsewhere, who really should know better, act as if the sky would fall in if Trump was re-elected?

I just don't get it. 

It seems completely irrational to me.

Monday, June 10, 2024

The use of deception and embedding by dark forces

The dark, destructive and controlling forces on earth don't usually telegraph their existence or their actions, instead they use a variety of means to influence humanity while maintaining some secrecy. Two of these methods used are deception and embedding. 

Deception is straightforward. This is when dark, controlling, or damaging mechanisms, products and services are sold as being good, healthy and natural, or at least nessessary and relatively harmless. This is basically false advertising. 

Embedding is when dark, damaging or controlling substances or mechanisms are embedded within something that has some positive value. Certain organisations are set up this way, such the WHO, the UN, world governments and religions. Also certain technologies contain destructive or controlling elements embedded within them. Examples include the electricity grid and mobile technology, which emanates damaging EMFs, and can be used to surveill the population. Similarly with CCTV cameras. They can be used positively to catch criminals and enhance community safety, or to surveill the law abiding population. 

The use of embedding is to make it difficult to remove the negative quality without destroying the positive quality as well. This also helps to hide the negative quality and make it less susceptible to criticism.

Destructive substances are also embedded in substances useful or necessary for life.

This may include damaging substances contained in foodstuffs, health products, hygiene and cleaning products.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

The law is seldom fair

With the thousands upon thousands of laws in modern societies, everybody is a criminal at one time or another. 

Some say it is intentionally set up that way, to make us all vulnerable to prosecution if someone with power wishes to make it so.

Those with the most money or who have connections in high places tend to escape the law and in some cases can literally get away with murder. 

In many countries political opponents of those in power are prosecuted, jailed or worse.

The law is seldom fair in its judgements and in which groups it targets.

It is said the golden rule applies to law making. That is, the people with the gold make the laws and tend to be beyond the reach of the law while the poor are victimised by it.

Laws are often racist and classist in their creation and application, designed to target social groups which the ruling class wish to either control or destroy.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

An observation on the Lincoln Memorial

I think the Lincoln Memorial is a fine piece of architecture but that turning Abraham Lincoln into an idol with a huge sculpture in Washington DC is anti-Christian. 

Personalities don't matter to God (Acts 10:34) and so we should not be glorifying them.

It's only actions that count, not the person that does them, and so actions can be lauded but the person carrying them out should not be idolised in any way.

True history, official stories and conspiracies

Many people seem to think that the truth about any given historical event is either "the official story" or a conspiracy theory. 

But in many cases it's just another story that is different to the "official" one. 

There are many reasons why the official account may be false that don't rely on the existence of any widespread conspiracy taking place to hide the truth. 

It may just come from a miscalculation or mistake by reporting bodies or from the lies or misunderstanding of one or more people central to the original telling of the story.