Monday, March 17, 2025

God v's gods

Some atheists like to argue their case by conflating the big G (God as the Creator of All) with little g's, meaning gods of legend, like Zeus and Apollo, and the myriad gods of pagan religions. These are all minor gods. Nobody claims they are the big G.

It is possible that plenty of "minor" gods actually exist, rather than being the stuff of legend. For what is a god but a being with greater powers than a human? And given the size and make-up of the universe, isn't it likely there are living entities, physical or not, with powers greater than humans? These would be like gods to us, just as we would seem like gods to beings less advanced than ourselves.

Friday, March 7, 2025

"We" are not responsible

Quite a few people use the term "we" when describing the actions of their government. As in "we did this..." or "we did that...". As if they were part of government decision, when they weren't. There's no "we" in it and it's pathetic to think there is. "We" didn't give billions to Ukraine, "we" didn't blow up the Nord Stream Pipeline, "we" didn't carry out the 911 attacks, "we" didn't plan and carry out the John Kennedy assassination, "we" didn't go to the moon and "we" didn't win the Second World War. Sections of the US government did many of these things, or contributed, but it's not only wrong to say the US population, in general, did these things, or that some civilian alive today is somehow, in some way, responsible for any of these things. 

We're responsible for what we do, but not for what anyone else does, including any government. That should be pretty clear by now. And we certainly aren't responsible for any past event, unless we were directly involved. 

So this use of "we" in such instances should be done away with. It's a false claim of responsibility or blame and it sounds stupid.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Unity consciousness: the eye within the storm

In certain spiritual circles, there is talk of unity consciousness versus duality. In Buddist terms, this is "being awake" versus being in Samsara or delusion.

This world promotes duality, us and them, I and They, me and you.

In the spiritual perspective, there is no differentiation between within and without. Objects in consciousness are treated equally. 

That doesn't preclude the ability to recognise danger or to move away from that which is destructive.

Discernment still exists in the state of unity consciousness, but the emotional charge is gone. There is no hatred for any other. There is only compassion, for all beings are seen as part of the one life, the one cosmos, which we all inhabit and share.

In Buddhist terms, this state of equanimity, or unity consciousness, results in "right action, right thought and right deed." 

This view represents the idea that when we are at peace, we can see things clearly, and we can respond appropriately to events that arise. 

When we are instead emotionally inflamed right action and thought become impossible. Even our perceptions and judgements will be adversely affected. We literally will be unable to see straight or to think straight. 

This is perhaps a reason beings get caught in the web of ongoing karmic relations, due to wrong action being performed in past lives or in this one.

The way out is simple. Develop equanimity towards all things. We need to not be reactive in this life. We can see ourselves as like the eye of a storm, where there is peace within while being surrounded by instability and madness.

The world is indeed mad, and madness is on the rise as life becomes increasingly unpredictable and unstable.

We can expect to be surrounded by people who lose their minds, particularly if they are plugged into the matrix of mind control.

The news is perhaps the primary tool of the deluded ones to inflame the population, so they will be as deluded as the propagators are.

After all, the spiritual enemy feeds on negative emotion, and this is what keeps it alive, both within us and in the world at large.

So, to be clear, it is our duty to see through all this and have compassion for those who are lost. That doesn't mean everyone can be saved. Many will fall, unable to stabilise in chaotic times. But we can build a symbolic fortress around us by pulling back and not buying into the dialectic state of mind being promoted. Just say "no," as Nancy Reagan so wisely said.

So sit on your chair of peace and share that peace will all around you.

Love wins, and the time of chaos will soon come to an end.

So let's not get involved in the slagging matches, which are just egoic delusions and focus on that which never changes. The formless, changeless One within.

Monday, February 24, 2025

The rich man and the kingdom of heaven

If "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God" (Matthew 19:24) did this man, below, achieve it?

And what does "the kingdom of God" actually mean?

Many interpret "the kingdom of God" to refer to the afterlife, specifically the part of the afterlife the faithful are believed to enter upon their death, that part we call "heaven", but could "kingdom of God" instead mean a state a being achievable on earth as in heaven?

Could "kingdom of God" be referring to a state of peacefulness or equanimity, attainable in both heaven and earth, which may be difficult for a rich person to achieve and maintain if they are overly focused on building a fortune and then worried about holding onto it?

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Angry establishment cult believers

When the establishment can brainwash people into thinking something is scientifically proven, when it isn't, it can become like a religion, and believers become angry with people that don't share their cult-like beliefs.

The irony is that many of these people think they are too smart to be brainwashed and too clever to fall for a religion or a cult.

If that were true, they wouldn't get so upset with people who don't share their dogmatic views.

Friday, January 31, 2025

Our health is our responsibility

Our health is not the government's responsibility. It's not the medical industry's responsibility. It's not RFK Jr.'s responsibility. 
It's our responsibility. 

There is no doubt our environments are full of poisons, poisons are sprayed on much of our food, soils are depleted by poor farming practices, town water is poisoned, etc. 

However, we can't control these things and so it's up to us to educate ourselves about health and healthy living and put into practice what we've learnt.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

The Establishment versus The Truth

The establishment includes the political system, the mainstream media, and most, if not all, well-known institutions, national and global. Google and Wikipedia are also under the establishment banner.

It's this multi-tentacled beast that controls most people's thinking and beliefs.

This wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the fact that the establishment is deeply untrustworthy due to the dark forces that control it.

Thankfully, many people are awake to this.

These people and their beliefs are attacked relentlessly by the gatekeepers of the establishment to try to keep the population under their control.

The true battle on earth isn't being fought by armies. It's a battle for people's minds and, therefore, their behaviour. 

Hundreds of billions of dollars are spent on this propaganda war by the establishment, while the non-believers tend to just function by sharing the truth as they see it, without spending billions of dollars in doing so.

It's David versus Goliath, in a battle David must win.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Will future humans willingly choose the Matrix?

In the Matrix movies, people are kept in life supporting pods AGAINST THEIR WILL while their minds inhabit a virtual reality they mistake for true reality.

In the not-too-distant future, the possibility of people CHOOSING to place their body in a pod while experiencing a virtual reality full-time or part-time may exist.

If technology continues to advance in this direction, such a virtual reality could achieve a level of complexity, interest, and pleasure such that many people may choose to live in it rather than in the real world.

Whether a physical body can survive for a full lifetime (or longer) in such a pod is an open question.

While sufficient nutrients and air are provided a body could potentially remain in a state of stasis for some time, although some degree of physical exercise or movement would seem important to keep the body healthy for an extended period.

Wealthy people may be able to choose to pay a fee and have their body cared for, for the rest of their lives while they explore seemingly endless virtual worlds.

I think this is more likely than the possibility of individual human consciousness being uploaded into a computer mainframe to live eternally, as some science fiction writers have imagined.

Whether a life lived in a virtual world is the "right" type of life to live should be an individual choice.

Before choosing, it would be wise to experiment with living in such a world before signing one's life away.

A useful addition to such a virtual world would be a switch within that world, that would allow people experiencing it to signal their intent to leave so that those overseeing the program could create the appropriate conditions to let them out.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Group think, conspiracy theories and the truth

There are those who think that if you come to a different conclusion about an historical event than that promoted by governments, mainstream media, giant internet companies, and other mainstream institutions that means you are a conspiracy theorist.

They use this title because they have been brainwashed to apply it to anyone with divergent thinking from the norm.

While some people may be interested in unproven theories, others of us are just interested in discovering the truth.

This truth is often discovered by listening to people with first-hand knowledge of the event in question.

If listening to such folks results in believing differently than that which is promoted by mainstream society that does not make a person a conspiracy theorist, it just makes them a person with a different historical belief.

There is no crime in this and it doesn't make them an enemy of society, it just makes them someone who's willing to stand alone in their beliefs, rather than belonging to some kind of group think.

Although divergent thinking is strongly discouraged by certain gatekeepers of mainstream beliefs that doesn't make it wrong, it just means that certain groups are threatened by alternative beliefs to those they promote, especially when these alternative views are widely held.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

The predominance of black and white thinking

I see a lot of all or nothing thinking in the world today. Everything is seen in black and white.

For example, either people believe the Bible is worthless or it's infallible.

The same goes for Donald J. Trump.

Either he's seen as a monster or deep state puppet or he's seen as a saviour of mankind from the deep state.

Another example may be western medicine, known by some as allopathic medicine or Rockefeller medicine. 

This form of medicine tends to either be embraced as the only real, proven form of medicine or it is seen as a corrupt, poisonous form of medicine.

It is possible to find a middle ground in these issues. 

Few would deny the value of western medicine in emergency care, although they may be skeptical of its value in treating chronic illness.

As for the Bible, few could deny the wisdom of certain passages, while they may disagree with others, particularly those that represent values from a distant past.

As for Donald Trump, it is also possible to see that he means well and that he speaks much truth, while we may disagree with some of his statements and actions.

These positions are hardy radical. They are logical, centrist positions.

We don't have to believe the hate spewed by sections of the mainstream media towards Trump, just as we don't need to judge him on one or two issues alone.

We can take a more holistic view.

The same goes for other issues, where nuance can be applied rather than broad generalisations.

Sunday, December 8, 2024

"Professor Dave" the debunker

Has anyone heard of the YouTube channel "Professor Dave Explains"?

He's popped up a couple of times next to videos I've been watching, "debunking" the people in the videos.

Anyone who hides behind a name like "Professor Dave" is almost certainly a narcissistic bore, who thinks being (or pretending to be) a "Professor" means he has superior intelligence to those he criticises.

A "Professor" of some form of medicine killed my uncle in a most drawn out and excruciating way, thanks to the Professor's brainwashed ignorance of what creates true health.

Did the professor pay a price for this?

Of course not. The system protects such dangerous fools.

"Debunkers," in general, seem to be ego maniacs, who massively overestimate their own knowledge and try to gain notoriety by piggybacking off the work of the well-known people they attack.

I've met plenty of PhDs and Professors and I can say for a fact that neither qualification means they know f*** all about anything outside a very narrow band and even then that knowledge is often just a form of brainwashing, with no resemblance to anything real or important.


By Caitlin Johnstone 

Bashar al-Assad has fled Syria to Moscow, where he has reportedly been granted asylum by Russia. The al-Qaeda affiliates who drove him out have declared victory for the “mujahideen” in Damascus. Both Biden and Netanyahu have publicly taken credit for assisting in the regime change, and of course Turkey’s Erdogan deserves a heavy share of credit as well.

And yet there’s still a bit of a taboo in mainstream western discourse around calling this a regime change operation backed by the US and its allies. We’re all meant to pretend this was a 100 percent organic uprising driven solely and exclusively by the people of Syria despite years and years of evidence to the contrary. We are meant to pretend this is the case even after we just watched the US power alliance crush Syria using proxy warfare, starvation sanctions, constant bombing operations, and a military occupation explicitly designed to cut Syria off from oil and wheat in order to prevent its reconstruction after the western-backed civil war.

People get mad at you when you say this, but it’s true. It’s just a fact that major world events do not occur independently of the actions of the major world powers who have a vested interest in their outcomes. If my saying this makes you feel uncomfortable, that discomfort is called cognitive dissonance. It’s what being wrong feels like.

Maybe it bothers you when people point out the involvement of the US power alliance in Syria, and maybe you would prefer to believe that a plucky band of heroic freedom fighters bravely overthrew an evil supervillain dictator all on their own like some Hollywood movie. But real life doesn’t move in accordance with your preferences. In real life, the globe-spanning empire that is centralized around the United States will reliably be deeply involved in such events.
When I say this you may want to believe I am “denying the agency of Syrians,” and that “denying agency” is the worst sin a person can possibly commit. But nothing I’m saying actually contradicts the idea that Syrians have their own agency. Obviously there were many Syrians who wanted Assad gone, and obviously there were many people who had their own reasons for fighting him which had nothing to do with the US empire. There is no contradiction between this obvious fact and the well-documented reality that the US-centralized power structure has been balls deep in Syria from the very beginning of the violence in 2011, and that its involvement led to the events we are seeing today.

The claim isn’t that the US empire controlled the minds of Syrians and forced them to turn against their government with no agency of their own. The claim is that the empire put a big fat thumb on the scale to ensure that one group of Syrians got their way instead of a different group.

You can argue that western regime change interventionism will lead to positive results this time (so long as you’re prepared to ignore mountains of historical evidence consistently demonstrating the opposite), but what you cannot do on any rational basis is deny that western regime change interventionism occurred in Syria.

Western liberalism is funny in that its adherents lean heavily on their ability to psychologically compartmentalize away from the actions of the western empire, and indeed away from the very existence of that empire. The western liberal lives in an imaginary alternate universe where western powers pretty much mind their own business and western leaders passively watch violence and destruction unfold around the world whilst pleading for peace and diplomacy from their podiums. They pretend the empire does not exist, and that it is only by pure coincidence that conflicts, coups and uprisings keep occurring in ways which favor the strategic interests of Washington.

In reality it is impossible to understand what’s going on in the world unless you understand that the US is the hub of an undeclared empire which has been working tirelessly to bring the global population under a single power umbrella over which it presides. The few countries who have successfully resisted being absorbed into this imperial blob are the Official Bad Guys we westerners are all trained to hate: China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, and a few socialist states in Latin America. I used to include Syria in this list, but that’s over now. Syria has been absorbed into the blob of the empire.
And tomorrow the imperial blob will move its crosshairs on to the next unabsorbed nation. That’s the underlying dynamic behind all the major conflicts on earth. This dynamic gets redacted from the mainstream western worldview with the assistance of the western propaganda services known as the mass media, as well as the western indoctrination system known as schooling. This dynamic is redacted from our worldview and hidden from our attention by the plutocrats and empire managers who work to manipulate our information systems, because otherwise we would realize that the US empire is the most tyrannical and abusive power structure on this planet today.

And it unquestionably is. No other power structure has spent the 21st century killing people by the millions in wars of aggression while circling the planet with hundreds of military bases and working continuously to crush any group which opposes its dictates anywhere on earth. Not China. Not Russia. Not Iran. Not Cuba. Not Bashar al-Assad. Only the US empire has been tyrannizing and abusing the world to this extent in modern times.

And now the imperial blob rolls on to absorb its next target, having grown one Syria-sized increment larger after spending years digesting that nation via proxy warfare, sanctions, relentless bombing campaigns from Israel, and a military occupation designed to steal its food and fuel.

Our world cannot know peace as long as we are ruled by an empire that is fueled by endless rivers of human blood. Here’s hoping the end of that empire comes sooner rather than later.

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Science believers and establishment non-believers

Some people think one fundamental societal division is between those who trust in science and those who don't.

While there are fundamentalist religious believers who may have a predilection to not believe certain scientific theories, there are in addition those people who don't trust the establishment that funds science, controlling its direction and, in addition, promotes scientific findings that suit establishment agendas while ignoring or suppressing others that do not.

So, in many cases, it's not a matter of trusting science or not. It's whether a person trusts the establishment.

Those who don’t trust the establishment are routinely attacked by establishment believers and paid propaganda agents in establishment media outlets and in other establishment institutions. 

This, of course, has no impact on non-establishment believers, it's only serves to harden the opinions of establishment believers against non-believers, with the aim of suppressing the impact non-believers have on public opinion and the direction society takes.

Sunday, December 1, 2024

David Icke, a rare case of someone famous who speaks freely

I would say David Icke, whether we agree with him or not, is possibly the only "somebody" who actually speaks his mind fully and doesn't hold back. There are no taboo subjects for him, like there are for most other popular figures, and he could care less what is written or said about him by the ignorami.

That's makes him free, and that's something that can't be said about any well-known public figures I know of. 

It's only the lesser known people who also speak freely, but who most people have never hear of.

In some people's eyes that makes David Icke "controlled opposition" or part of the global deception because, in their eyes, no one achieves notoriety unless the global cult allow it to happen.

This is not a perspective I share, particularly concerning David Icke.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

The importance of intellectual curiosity

One of the rarest qualities amongst humans seems to be intellectual curiosity. Most people seem happy to believe whatever they are fed by the mainstream culture. This seems just as true for the "highly educated" as for those with less formal education. In fact, I would say there is often more intellectual curiosity amongst those with less formal education, perhaps because they are not as heavily brainwashed or arrogant as the formally educated. After all, you can not add to a cup that is already full.

Most people seem to dedicate their lives to work and superficial pleasures rather than discovering truth. Obviously, a busy life leaves little time to find out about what is really going on in the world and whether or not spiritual forces have a role to play.

Those that seek out truth and then discover it is not in alignment with what the establishment teaches are often called "conspiracy theorists" or "truthers", frequently in a derisive way by those who fully accept the stories the establishment tells.

The one quality that is required to get to the truth of hidden matters is a passion for truth, beyond the desire to feel good, impress others, fit in or become wealthy, although these things don't need to be completely ignored.

Without this passion for truth, I believe the individual will end up living in a world of illusion, based on the lies the establishment tells to advance its selfish and often anti-human and anti-life agendas.

Political positions versus our conscience

I don't always take what some would call "progressive positions" and I don't always take what others would call "right-wing", "far-right" or "alt-right" positions.

But in some cases I may take a position that falls under one of these labels, if anyone can work out what the hell they mean and how one person can fit their myriad thoughts and beliefs into just one of them.

I like to take things on a case by case basis, and don't fully subscribe to any one overaching philosophy.

I like Taoism, Buddhism and much of Christianity, particularly the 4 gospels of the recorded life of Jesus of Nazareth. 

Jesus's words, as recorded by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, I give great importance to but my ultimate guide to my behaviour is my conscience, which is what I believe we were given one for.