Sunday, December 29, 2019

Outliers need not explain themselves, after all, variety...

Is what evolution is driven by...

And our progress as a species.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Genes, thoughts and plants


In our world everything is programmed by thought, but we don't attribute that to biology. 

The programming that genes contain is thought to be mindless. However, selective breeding introduces a conscious intelligence factor into the process.

I don't know much about genes, my concern is the macro (observable) -level.

I work with plants on the level of my senses. I interact with them, plant their seeds, feed them, water them, house them, give them appreciation and love and observe the results, day by day, to see if any fine tuning is required.

They are great friends, providing so many useful products and services.

They are incredibly intelligent lifeforms, able to turn water, air, dirt and sunshine into all manner of spectacular products of great use to mankind, and which beautify and enhance the world around us.

Kudos to plants!

It is thought plants have no mind, as minds are thought to require a nervous system...

But my understanding is that life and mind are indistinguishable from one another.

We decide what comes into our body and nature decides...

What comes out!

Friday, December 27, 2019

Who are "the establishment"?

I would class the establishment as anyone who does well out of the current social and economic system.

For all such folk there is a strong incentive to maintain the status quo that delivers such fine results for them.

On another level, the establishment are those people and groups who have control of the "public mind". 

These groups dictate what is thought of as real and what is dismissed as hooey by the average person.

Members of the establishment don't agree on everything, but they have many areas of shared mutual interest, which they protect collaboratively, and also enemies who threaten their business or status, and they target these in a similar collaborative way.

Evolution... A sophisticated version of "it just happened!"

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The timing of our death

If life is like a ride at a theme park, then it's one where we don't know when it will end. 

Life may end before we feel ready or it may go on after we are tired of it.

The timing of death seems not to be in the hands of the conscious self.

Although having never died (or come near death) it is impossible for me to say for sure.

I became good friends with a man who had a near death experience where he was given the choice to live or die. The thought of his children who he felt a duty to brought him back into this world, after entering an altered state during a near drowning in a boating accident.

It was very clear for him the choice he was given.

He was upside down in a kayak on the Don River when the event occurred and was unable to right himself or exit the cabin.

After enter a state of peace and tranquility it was his thought of his loved ones that drew him back into the world and he promptly dropped out of the kayak with that connection.

Whether everyone is given such a choice, I don't know.

But I do know from myriad reports that moving away from this world, towards "heaven", is an overwhelmingly positive experience for most people.

This makes the idea of remaining alive on earth, in contrast, unappealing for many, but a sense of purpose in this world draws some back.

There is also guidance given as to whether it is wise for our soul to leave then or not.

The choice remains with us, but the guidance given is so wise in love that it is usually obeyed.

If you do something to curry favor with God...

You will not curry favor with God...

For that is not a pure motive, and it is only deeds done with a pure motive that get spiritually rewarded.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Bad ideas can last thousands of years, even into scientific, "rational" societies.

A classic example is the Male genital mutilation called circumcision. 

This is still accepted in societies which see themselves and modern and free of superstitious nonsense.

Needless to say, this isn't the case!

This world is a great feedback system, it is the great...


Living on autopilot is dangerous

Many people get annoyed when they hear that they can't let the government and the institutions run their life for them, without running it into a ditch. 

They would prefer to have key elements of their life on auto-pilot, determined by others (who they don't actually know), rather than having to deal with things themselves in an adult manner.

But laziness and inattention always come at a price - one WE pay, not those whose poor advice we followed!

Monday, December 16, 2019

The power elite use our beliefs against us

The power elite will use the public's beliefs against them, if it serves their interests to do so. 

They will build up people's belief in something and then misdirect it, to serve their goals.

That is why understanding the aims of the establishment is essential, so we know what their directives and schemes are truly about.

That way we can choose to avoid the worst of their excesses that serve their interests, but not our own!

Sunday, December 15, 2019

If creation is nuanced, then our understanding of it needs to be nuanced, too...

Or it won't be an accurate reflection of reality.

Before any significant land management decision is made ALL stakeholders...

Must be consulted!

Anything we do that significantly affects our neighbour should be done in consultation with them.

It's the neighbourly thing to do!


Some plants have an affinity with the brain that enables them to alter consciousness, sometimes in profound ways.

Although use of these plants is generally outlawed, they remain in wide use.

The cannabis plant, in particular, remains very popular and is now being studied in great detail by breeders and researchers alike, particularly in places where drug laws have been liberalized.

The cannabis plant provides endless fascination for researchers due to it's highly complicated chemical makeup, which makes endless combinations possible for the breeder, with the different effects that these components have on the consumer.

Unintended consequences

Unintended consequences, secondary or "side" effects... These are what destroy the world.

It's not usually the primary goal of an occupation to destroy the planet.

But on masse, an inattention to "secondary effects" can be disastrous!

That's why broadening our consciousness and admitting to all the results that come from our behaviour, is the only way forward!

We can only be blind for so long as a race (or individual) and life slaps us in the face!

A shotgun may be effective at curing a headache, but it is not the most subtle approach.

Side effects matter!

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Conscious co-creators live like Gods!

Do people have the right to believe a falsehood?

I would say, obviously yes, but they have no right to force that belief on others, or to force others to live by that belief!

We're here to find perfection in imperfection.

Has victory already been achieved?

Dark v light.

Some say: victory is already achieved, we're just watching it unfold in 3D.

Others say: victory is impossible, the enemy is too powerful and change is too difficult.

My feelings align with 1.

I feel victory has been achieved for a long time.

Light has defeated darkness for control of the earth... but the light can't be turned to full brightness overnight, for we would be spiritually blinded.

Gradually the lights come on and everything is exposed for what it is, not what is has long professed itself to be.

That is when THE GREAT CLEANUP can take place, but energetically this has been underway for a long time.

This doesn't stop dark agendas from playing out. We saw that with the 9/11 attacks and other assaults on human decency and freedom taking place.

But such events have become less and less as the darkness cannot gather enough strength to enact them.

It is defeated like an exhausted dragon.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Brainwashing and personal power

We can choose to "brainwash" ourselves or be brainwashed by others. One of these positions is active and one is passive. One of these people is a creator and one a reflector. 

One is awake and the one is asleep to their potential.

We are the master of our destiny and step one is gaining control of our mind so it works for us, not for society or any outside manipulory force that doesn't have our best interest at heart.

The war on health and individual sovereignty

The corrupt earthly lords have yet been unable to have the population microchipped and connected to one computer but they have managed to encourage parents to have their children injectioned with many unknown substances.

I think one may be used as an substitute for another when it comes to achieving some of their goals.

After all, both are putting foreign substances in the body, past it's primary defense (the skin), and both contain substances unknown to the receiver, and most likely those injecting and encouraging the injection.

Indeed, it may well be only a small handful who has any idea what's really in these things. 

And at high levels of command integrity seems to break down and some kind of cold-blooded mentality takes hold.

Hence, the ongoing rapaciously destructive society we are involved in- with wars, environmental destruction and a war on our health and peace of mind, too.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Specialists see things through a filter... just like common folk do.

They are not free of bias or unable to make a mistake!

Dangerous propaganda

Sometimes "dangerous propaganda" is just the truth.

One the establishment doesn't like!

After all, Jesus was a "dangerous propagandist" to the leaders of his time.

Why else was he murdered?

Ride the bumps and the insults.

They come when you're ahead of your time!

What is vitalism to me?

True vitalism is that there is an organising principal that is within life that isn't subject to physical laws, by rather works with those laws to create the life it wants for itself.

Matter is reflection of spirit, not the other way around.

Matter is the part we see in this 3D vibrational reality.

The spirit reality behind it remains unseen, but its presence can be felt by intuition- a combination of the senses.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Monday, December 9, 2019

Be humble before the truth.

Or you won't be open to receive it!

Why kids deserve to know the truth about Santa - CHRIS KIRCKOF

Why are children told so many lies? Why do adults tell children that their Christmas presents are from Santa Claus instead of them? Think I’m being extreme? 

Why are they told Columbus discovered America when he didn't and was more famous for mass genocide? Why are they told fluoride is good for their teeth when every documented study shows it is a neurotoxin? Why are they told they need to be injected with vaccines to be healthy when there is no study conducted showing they are safe? Why are they told to be a slave to government schooling for as long as possible? Why are they told we fight wars to stop terrorism instead of revealing that they are about profiteering, resource control and global domination? Why are the lies stacked so high the children rarely if ever even see the truth that is standing behind those lies? 

The projection of fear, authority figures and societal programming runs so deep most aren't even aware of what is being done to them because it has occurred every single day of their life for as long as they can remember. Since the moment we were born, society has imposed on us what to do, what to think and what to feel, and it has conditioned us to believe that if we don’t follow its rules, we’re bound to get into serious trouble. Read that again, follow the rules or you’ll be trouble, kind of like be nice and get presents or if you’re naughty Santa won’t come. That’s projection of false fear by a false authority figure and that’s programming children.

Society uses one thing to make us do what they wanted us to do: fear. If you want to manipulate anybody, first make him or her afraid. Once afraid, he or she will be ready to accept your offered suggestions. Be good or Santa won't reward you with gifts. Think like everyone else or the teacher won't reward you with good grades. Stay in school forever and rack up huge debt or you won't ever have a good job. Inject toxins into the children or people will look down on you. Get that new car because yours has a rust spot. Vote for this puppet or the other puppet will win. 

This tactic is being continuously used in our everyday life, but we are unaware of it. Have a clear look around you, and you will see what I mean. Politicians are being elected by persuading the masses through the use of fear. Companies are selling their products by manipulating consumers’ insecurities in advertising. Journalists influence public opinion by terrorizing people’s minds. Fear is the best weapon of all great manipulators. It can move people to do anything, no matter how nonsensical it is.

What is Christmas actually supposed to celebrate? Who made it about a fat guy in a suit who gives us more crap we don’t need? Think about that and how we’ve been manipulated for a long time. You aren’t depriving your child of any magical childhood by lying to them. Nobody ends up caring about Santa. In the long run they will thank you and trust you more by telling them the truth and showing them you will lift the veil of the societal illusions.

I’ll wait for the triggered and nitpickers in the comments section....


Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Plabeo Effect and the Individual

There is no fixed value for the placebo effect, or the power of belief. 

It is an unknown quantity that depends on the person and their circumstance. 

It is also not possible to truly measure which part of the effect of a substance is due to belief (placebo) and what is due to the inherent properties of the substance. 

Attempts are made to do this on a population basis by the use of samples, but these are crude at best. 

After all, the placebo effect is as unique to the individual as the effect of a drug is, if not more, and so we can't meaningfully talk about populations as some kind of estimate for the individual in this regard.

Instead, the individual employs the placebo effect to its maximum by consuming those products it most believes in, while avoiding those it does not.

This is what Hayek was talking about when he discussed the superiority of decentralized decision making over centralised, top-down control.

Let consumers decide their individual health path, not bureaucrats who cannot account for the psychological and biochemical individuality of the individual.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Evolution doesn't seek to explain the origin of life of earth, but rather the variety of forms...

life has taken since its introduction many years ago!

A "quantum leap" is a move to a new reality, that cannot be predicted...

by observing previous states of being.

A "quantum leap" refers to a discrete change in a variable rather than a continuous one.