Monday, May 18, 2020

Australian rugby player Sione Katoa on why he refused a flu shot

NRL star Sione Katoa reveals why he refuses to get the flu shot - and says he won't let any of his three young kids be vaccinated.

“I’ve had a few people contact me and ask why I declined the flu shot and wanted to share my reasons behind it, particularly now with one of our closest mates @brycecartwright6 and teammate Brian being stood down.

Lately I’ve seen journalists, reporters and mainstream media creating a divide between the community, the fans and the NRL by constantly shaming and bullying NRL players and their families who stand for freedom of choice.

We acknowledge that the flu shot has the ability to result in serious adverse reactions and has also claimed lives. In 2018, the step father of a friend sadly passed away within 48 hours of his flu shot. He was an adult man, with no underlying health conditions. What if this were to happen to our family, or yours? Why are people so quick to advocate for “herd immunity” and not acknowledge vaccine injury/death? There are plenty of families within the NRL alone that suffer from vaccine injury.

We used to be very pro-vaxx and judged those who chose not to vaccinate. Those judgements quickly passed as soon as vaccines caused health issues for our eldest son, Chase. He was constantly sick after his shots, resulting in many trips to the hospital and doctors office. Our son was helpless and never getting any better, so we reached out for a second opinion which lead us down the path of holistic health. After seeking advice from medical professionals and seeing the positive impact that it had on our sons health, we made the informed decision to no longer vaccinate ourselves or our children.

Our friends and family who vaccinate themselves and their children respect and understand our decision with vaccination. And we respect theirs. No, they aren’t scared to be around us, our kids play with theirs and we can also have open conversations about vaccines without judgement and that’s how it should be.

We stand for FREEDOM OF CHOICE and what we choose should not be made a public matter and cause outrage in the media and community. Everyone should be entitled to choose what they do, or do not inject into their body because WHEN THERE IS RISK THERE MUST BE CHOICE.”

Friday, May 8, 2020

Biased journalism

Biased journalism isn't necessarily a matter of printing untruths, although opinions are often shared uncritically as truth, but of focusing only on those things that promote one's own preferred agenda or cause.

Such biased journalism is the norm in mainstream and alternative outlets and it's important for us to realise that.

Some biases will be held by 80% of the population or more.

That's one reason why popularity can't be used as a measure of truth, no matter how seemingly knowledgable the group involved may be.

We are all subject to bias due to the societies we grow up in.

There is no escaping it!

Monday, May 4, 2020

Who are the anti-vaxxers?

What the general public have been taught to call "anti-vaxxers" are a pretty heterogeneous group.

Some are "never-vaxxers", refusing vaccines forever more, some are "sometimes vaxxers", open to the possibility of a receiving a vaccine one day, but not currently interested, and some are "safe vaxxers", pushing for vaccines to continue to exist, but in safer forms than today.

On a leadership, or public notoriety level, there is division between those pushing for safer vaccines and those who want them either abandoned or restricted to people who are able to provide informed consent (i.e. adults), very similar to modern popular views on circumcision.

The one thing these groups have in common is an opposition to vaccine mandates of any kind and to all types of bullying and discrimination based on a person's vaccine status.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

WHO and the blind followers of the blind leaders

The head of the World Health Organisation is NOT a doctor. 

According to the "wisdom" of some people this means he should NOT be listened to when giving health advice, particularly when related to vaccines.



What a crazy, disjointed world we live in!

But folks who say such things are just unconscious hypocrites. Any authority the TV tells them to trust they follow.

They don't really have any rules they follow in life apart from:

That's why we have a population of sick and diseased people, unable to think for themselves.

They are followers of the blind leaders only, unable and unwilling to put the pieces of the jigsaw together and think for themselves. 


The Luciferian establishment

Some people think the establishment has good elements and bad elements and to some extent that is true. But the reality is, any group that supports wars of conquest is evil. End of story.

As so all elements of the establishment which tacitly support one another suffer from guilt by association.

Lies and deceit are their ways now.

That's how political power works.

Not by telling the truth but by wholesale deception.

It's the Luciferian way, which these people have accepted as their path, and which enables them to ride roughshod over the lives of others.

Don't follow them and don't be one of them, unless darkness and pain is what you seek!

Democracy and censorship

As is being made clear by the frightened mob and their frightened owners democracy can only survive if everybody expressing an opinion contrary to the establishment is censored.

Or is it the other way around?

That democracy can only survive if free speech is maintained?

And what is this democracy anyway? Has anyone got one that actually works?

I haven't seen any!

To be truly conservative

To be truly conservative means to be in touch with the flow of natural and human events over the millennia, and to act from that understanding.

Social conservatism is fake conservatism in my view.

Those who mindlessly follow social trends are actually radical from the longer view, because their behavior is completely out of touch with natural rhythms, making them ill-fitting to the earth.

Nothing that is unsustainable is conservative.

All unsustainable industries are radical and owned by radical, out of touch, selfish people.

People in touch with the long rhythms don't destroy the earth or create products that lead to such destruction.

True conservatives follow the natural rhythms, not the false habits laid down by perverted elitists who would own us all if we gave them the chance!

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Science and God

The idea that science and God are at loggerheads is a nonsense to me.

Science is one method to explore God's universe and come to an understanding of it. It isn't opposed to God at all, it's just an investigation of what God (or gods) have made, that is all!

And the idea that science has "disproved God" or made it clear that a creator God isn't needed to create a universe is pure fantasy, in my view!