Source: Dolores Cannon- Between Life and Death - Conversations with a Spirit
Dolores: What about you? Are you a young soul or an old soul? In
other words, have you been around a long time or a short
Spirit: All souls have been around for the same degree. Some of us
have chosen, for our own personal reasons, to incarnate into
the body more often than others. That is where they get the
term “old or young soul.” Some are young in terms of
Earthly experience. I have found that I like to do what I can
in a tangible way to help not only myself but others. Thus I
have had a tendency to keep coming back over and over.
D: Then a young soul would be one that has not had much
Earth experience?
S: Yes, or just experience in the other realms because Earth is
not the only realm of consciousness.
D: Are there any rules or regulations about how many lives you
have to live altogether?
S: Some may be able to complete their karma in one life if they
live a very exemplary life, and that is the end of it. Others
must go on and on for many, many lifetimes to work out
things that they have brought upon themselves and to learn
what they need to learn. There are some who are very new
in experience because they have perhaps just recently decided
to try out Earthly incarnations. Others have been around
since the beginning working on what they need to work on.
Others who, perhaps, started at the beginning with the others
but through long periods of rest in between lives or learning
through other means, perhaps have only had a few lifetimes.