Monday, June 10, 2024

The use of deception and embedding by dark forces

The dark, destructive and controlling forces on earth don't usually telegraph their existence or their actions, instead they use a variety of means to influence humanity while maintaining some secrecy. Two of these methods used are deception and embedding. 

Deception is straightforward. This is when dark, controlling, or damaging mechanisms, products and services are sold as being good, healthy and natural, or at least nessessary and relatively harmless. This is basically false advertising. 

Embedding is when dark, damaging or controlling substances or mechanisms are embedded within something that has some positive value. Certain organisations are set up this way, such the WHO, the UN, world governments and religions. Also certain technologies contain destructive or controlling elements embedded within them. Examples include the electricity grid and mobile technology, which emanates damaging EMFs, and can be used to surveill the population. Similarly with CCTV cameras. They can be used positively to catch criminals and enhance community safety, or to surveill the law abiding population. 

The use of embedding is to make it difficult to remove the negative quality without destroying the positive quality as well. This also helps to hide the negative quality and make it less susceptible to criticism.

Destructive substances are also embedded in substances useful or necessary for life.

This may include damaging substances contained in foodstuffs, health products, hygiene and cleaning products.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

The law is seldom fair

With the thousands upon thousands of laws in modern societies, everybody is a criminal at one time or another. 

Some say it is intentionally set up that way, to make us all vulnerable to prosecution if someone with power wishes to make it so.

Those with the most money or who have connections in high places tend to escape the law and in some cases can literally get away with murder. 

In many countries political opponents of those in power are prosecuted, jailed or worse.

The law is seldom fair in its judgements and in which groups it targets.

It is said the golden rule applies to law making. That is, the people with the gold make the laws and tend to be beyond the reach of the law while the poor are victimised by it.

Laws are often racist and classist in their creation and application, designed to target social groups which the ruling class wish to either control or destroy.