Tuesday, October 15, 2024

A comment on the ET/UFO phenomenon

I studied the UFO/ET subject years ago as a youth, long before the internet became a thing, using books from libraries and some I purchased.

Even seasoned UFOlogists like Jacques Vallee, on whom the main character of Close Encounters of the Forth Kind was roughly based, are baffled by the phenomena and the often bizarre reports of experiencees of contactees.

It seems the Earth is being visited and has been visited by many different types of extraterrestrial. 

At least one, if not more of these groups, have done deals or attempted to do deals with various governments. 

Some types of ET seem selfishly oriented and others more noble in intent.

Some people today of a certain kind of religious bent dismiss all these accounts as interactions with demons.

In reality, demons, apparently, are deceased humans who have sunk to a very low spiritual level.

There is no evidence that they are "fallen angels", despite this being a popular belief.

Nor is there any trustworthy evidence of the existence of a "supreme demon", such as the word Satan or even Lucifer may suggest.

If Lucifer is real then his current location is unknown, as far as I'm aware.

He was said to have led a revolution against God, and this may be so, but how this impacts on humans and the ET phenomenon is unclear.

There is no reason to believe that ETs would believe such a story, which seems to have originated with man.

No doubt they would have their own beliefs, assuming they exist, and one would hope that space travel to inhabited systems only become possible when a population clean up their act on their own planet, so as not to spread their own dysfunction and destructive behaviour elsewhere.

Unfortunately, given the fact that spiritual and technical development do not necessarily occur together, this may not be the case.

However, according to Phillip Krapf's books, which are highly recommended, an overseeing race ensures destructive ET races never get into space, by utilising highly intelligent, peaceful means, that keep such races grounded.

The human race is such a destructive race at the present time, and so we can't expect to go anywhere significant off world anytime soon.

Trust in the establishment is gone.


The internet destroyed trust in the establishment for anyone paying attention.

In the last decade the establishment has attempted to regain control by biasing search engines, taking down or shadowbanning websites, having their teams turn Wikipedia into an establishment bullshit site, reliable only for things that don't undermine establishment lies, etc.

I don't think it's working.

When the establishment of the west support the Israeli regime unreservedly in their continual bombing, destruction and theft of Palestinian people and property how can they be trusted?

Trust in medicine?


Trust in media?


Trust in government?


What remains?

Only trust in those voices that realise the completely untrustworthy nature of the establishment.

Monday, October 14, 2024

The truth about hell

Hell is usually thought of as hot, but according to the most trustworthy accounts I've read the heaven realms are warm and beautiful and as we move closer to what some would call "hell" it gets colder and uglier, and this process continues until we reach the "stuck in the mud" area (see "A Soldier's Story" in "Gone West" by JSM Ward). It's a trip downwards into progressively worse realities. 

Those in the hell realms are there because of what they have become by their own choices and there is always the option to move upwards by accepting a different approach, which often means accepting help from those tasked with visiting such realms, making themselves available to anyone open to receiving help from a lighted being, which seems to a small minority at any one time.

The modern trust dilemma and the importance of optimism

In the first Matrix movie the greatest embodiment of truth is thought to be The Oracle, but by the second film the protagonist, Neo, is already questioning whether she is just another system of control.

This is where many "truthers" find themselves.

Realising the deep and wide levels of deception in the world the question becomes: who or what can be trusted?

Can the senses be trusted?

They can be fooled.

Can logic be trusted?

What about intuition?

Religion, ideology, politics, political leaders and celebrities. 

Books, documentaries, and films.

Who or what to trust?

Are we living in a simulation?

Are we free spiritual beings or are we prisoners who think we are free?

Without a positive outlook our physical and mental health suffers.

We must develop optimism if we don't already possess it.

How that is achieved when we discover dark truths about the world is the real challenge.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Conscious and unconscious creation

Photo credit: Jason Christoff. 

There's a big difference between conscious creation and unconscious creation. 

Both work and bring either pleasure or pain into our lives. 

The problem with unconscious creation is we think we are at the mercy of fate rather than subject to the result of our free will choices.

We co-create our lives with the people around us. 

This has benefits and disadvantages and is a reason why solitude is so important, for as long as it takes for us to become one with our soul level truth again.

Too long spent around others, especially non-believers, materialists or pessimists, is not good for our physical or spiritual health.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

The mystery of the existence of evil

I think the existence of evil is one of the most perplexing things for people to comprehend. 

We can talk about free will and some beings choosing to use it in a harmful way, but that still doesn't describe how evil got a foothold, and a major one at that (as in "who is the King of this world" from the Bible) and how something pure and innocent can be intentionally corrupted by an unknown, alien, misunderstood being, group of beings or force.

How did evil turn up in this obviously beautiful universe?

One question is whether the battle between good and evil is just a transitory thing, an earthly thing, and an ultimately unimportant thing, perhaps to assist human evolution, or is it a real spiritual struggle with real stake in the game and no guaranteed outcome?

Evil appears to want to destroy all that is good, noble, pure and natural. It seems to be a force or being that hates God and hates God's creations and wants them all destroyed or under its control. 

I have read convincing reasons why this is the case by the prolific spiritual author Kim Michaels, but I can not say with any certainty that he is correct.

It is just beyond my realm of direct knowing.