In the Matrix movies, people are kept in life supporting pods AGAINST THEIR WILL while their minds inhabit a virtual reality they mistake for true reality.
In the not-too-distant future, the possibility of people CHOOSING to place their body in a pod while experiencing a virtual reality full-time or part-time may exist.
If technology continues to advance in this direction, such a virtual reality could achieve a level of complexity, interest, and pleasure such that many people may choose to live in it rather than in the real world.
Whether a physical body can survive for a full lifetime (or longer) in such a pod is an open question.
While sufficient nutrients and air are provided a body could potentially remain in a state of stasis for some time, although some degree of physical exercise or movement would seem important to keep the body healthy for an extended period.
Wealthy people may be able to choose to pay a fee and have their body cared for, for the rest of their lives while they explore seemingly endless virtual worlds.
I think this is more likely than the possibility of individual human consciousness being uploaded into a computer mainframe to live eternally, as some science fiction writers have imagined.
Whether a life lived in a virtual world is the "right" type of life to live should be an individual choice.
Before choosing, it would be wise to experiment with living in such a world before signing one's life away.
A useful addition to such a virtual world would be a switch within that world, that would allow people experiencing it to signal their intent to leave so that those overseeing the program could create the appropriate conditions to let them out.