source: Korton 9/29/01During the coming days, months, and years, you ones will be witness to many events that will be considered senseless in terms of rational thinking. You will be told by your government what to think and believe regarding these events (such as the World Trade Center attacks).
This is not new. Your current society has been molded to swallow the mainstream media's explanation of events, and you have been diligently trained to NOT question, else the fear of ridicule and outright persecution will surely follow, most often from your closest friends, relatives, and co-workers. However, there are measures you can take to learn to sift through the facade of presented information, and learn to LISTEN for key words that will give you clues and help you to discern when you are being manipulated with half-truths or blatant lies.
LISTEN for key words such as:
"Insiders are REPORTED to have said...." (You should be thinking to yourself: But they may not have.)
"Officials say it APPEARS to be...." (But it may not be what it appears.)
"The ALLEGED terrorist was...." (But we could be wrong.)
Your news media sources know that often they are forced to report truly important news with a certain slant or spin that will often lead to the news stations presenting fabricated stories from "protected" sources. To help these news organizations protect themselves from being sued into non-existence, the ones writing the stories that are fed to the teleprompters are trained by very skilled lawyers to use such key words and phrases as: IT APPEARS, ALLEGED, REPORTED TO HAVE SAID, GENERAL OPINION IS, INDICATORS SUGGEST, and so on.