source: Korton 9/29/01
During the coming days, months, and years, you ones will be witness to many events that will be considered senseless in terms of rational thinking. You will be told by your government what to think and believe regarding these events (such as the World Trade Center attacks).
This is not new. Your current society has been molded to swallow the mainstream media's explanation of events, and you have been diligently trained to NOT question, else the fear of ridicule and outright persecution will surely follow, most often from your closest friends, relatives, and co-workers. However, there are measures you can take to learn to sift through the facade of presented information, and learn to LISTEN for key words that will give you clues and help you to discern when you are being manipulated with half-truths or blatant lies.
LISTEN for key words such as:
"Insiders are REPORTED to have said...." (You should be thinking to yourself: But they may not have.)
"Officials say it APPEARS to be...." (But it may not be what it appears.)
"The ALLEGED terrorist was...." (But we could be wrong.)
Your news media sources know that often they are forced to report truly important news with a certain slant or spin that will often lead to the news stations presenting fabricated stories from "protected" sources. To help these news organizations protect themselves from being sued into non-existence, the ones writing the stories that are fed to the teleprompters are trained by very skilled lawyers to use such key words and phrases as: IT APPEARS, ALLEGED, REPORTED TO HAVE SAID, GENERAL OPINION IS, INDICATORS SUGGEST, and so on.
Learn to LISTEN for these modifiers. The more you hear, the more you know that the truth is being misrepresented. Next listen to the ones who would be the first to ridicule you if you were to suggest that the news media sources are lying to you. Listen to how they parrot back the same news stories WITHOUT the modifiers.
The news story may say: "Sources inside the Pentagon suggest that the plane may have been originally headed for the White House." What is often parroted back is: "Did you hear? The plane was originally headed for the White House." The average person completely tunes out the modifiers that were actually said, and accepts the deceit without question.
Again, the words are crafted in such a way as to leave a legal "out" for those who are presenting the information.
In the written media, it is a bit more tricky to accomplish the same "spin" effect on the truth. Often the print media will actually have to use far less modifiers. If anyone actually notices AND makes the effort to confront them on their "error" in presentation, they simply print a retraction statement, some time later, in some obscure location in the newspaper or magazine?or these days, perhaps only on their Internet website.
The point is, if you really pay attention to these subtle and often missed clues, you will see that there is an awful lot of care taken to fashion or craft what should be even the simplest of statements. Often, by the time the reporter reading the news into the cameras gets to the second or third sentence, the original statement of "ALLEGED INSIDERS are REPORTED to have said (or seen) what APPEARS to have been..." is all gone from your mind because you have been desensitized to these preceding words and only want to hear the "meat" of the story.
The reason I have chosen to belabor this point is because?as many of you have just recently witnessed?in a relatively short period of time your busy lives can be drastically impacted by acts that defy logic and reason. Such acts have impacted ALL ones on some level. Even if the only thing you notice is that your mail delivery has been drastically slowed down and delayed, there is no escaping the effects set into motion by such events. For most, the reaction goes far beyond such trivial things as slowed-down mail delivery.
These events are deliberate actions taken to bring about a mindset of SHOCK and DISBELIEF. In such a mental and emotional state, the mind races to find order and understanding, and is QUITE susceptible to the FIRST thing that it hears which stops the inner swirling of confusion. In essence, what is created is an altered state of consciousness that is highly susceptible to suggestion?not too different a mechanism from how electroshock therapy works. The major difference is that THIS manipulation is done on a large scale, and the equivalent of an "electric shock" comes from within, rather than from an external source.
The ones who are TRULY to blame for these acts are very far removed from suspicion and yet there are clues to be seen. And if enough people with key information speak up (communicate) and compare notes, a different picture will emerge. These events are planned with great care and full knowing that there will be unexpected "leaks" that will need to be plugged. There will be great amounts of energy directed into keeping The Lie reinforced in the minds of the masses, while trying to stop, discredit, or destroy the ones who do not accept the events as told at face value.
You have witnessed, through your media conduits, several short stories suggesting that this new war against terrorism will be fought differently than the conventional wars in the past. This allows great cloaked latitude for mischief in their actions.
Likewise, most of you will note that there has been a great amount of emphasis focused on the need for "monitoring communications" such as electronic mail (e-mail) and telephone conversations. Why? They say because they have to be more thorough in their search for "terrorists" and related activities.
But the truth of the need to monitor is because they need to assess "legally" what you-the-people may be suspecting and COMMUNICATING with each other. Communication is the sharing of information. The government of the United States and her allies have a lot to hide from the common citizen. A LOT!
The ones who are manipulating the mindset of the masses, and molding them into a frenzied thirst for blood, realize the fa硤e they have created has a fragile foundation, and that if they don't keep the focus of the masses on the fa硤e, then the whole illusion can quickly crumble as the high emotional energy so generated circles back and releases its charge on the TRUE criminals.
These TRUE criminals are the real terrorists, and what they fear most is being exposed. This means they fear the average man waking-up to their games of manipulation. Just how does the average man wake-up to the games of manipulation? Through a hard-to-censor communication medium such as the Internet, and through credible "alternative news" sources.
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