Thursday, September 8, 2011

The truth about the 911 attacks - Matthew Ward

by Matthew Ward with Suzy Ward

written on 22 September, 2001.

MATTHEW: The events as they have been unfolded for the public view are not the ideas of those men the media are proclaiming as “terrorists”—well, government officials are proclaiming that and the media are echoing it.

There are hidden causes and goals, hidden strategies yet to be revealed, and the perpetrators are not those who were so quickly accused.

We understand why many souls there believed without questioning whether reports were complete and accurate or even sounded believable. We understand that acceptance instead of analysis was due to the enormity of the planes deliberately hitting their intended targets and the thousands of innocent lives being in transition almost simultaneously from Earth lifetimes.

The emotions of accepting those kinds of actualities are too overwhelming to permit the mental or emotional margin for wide questioning of the obvious weaknesses in the official findings.

SUZY: I have read quite a few reports that blast the official conclusions, so some people definitely are not accepting all of this as it’s being publicly presented.

Can you tell me without any wavering at all that the towers would NOT have collapsed if there hadn’t been explosives set off?

MATTHEW: Without an iota of wavering, Mother!

S: WHY???

MATTHEW: The destruction had to be in such unthinkable measure that its horror could be filmed—and there’s a questionable area, why television cameras were present even in early moments—and aired relentlessly in these days ever since.

There had to be such shocking loss of life that it overshadowed speculating about the improbability of the towers collapsing due to the stated reasons, or thinking too closely about how the half-full planes were taken over and flown unmolested into their targets in supposedly safeguarded air space.

Has any irrefutable evidence been presented to prove the official conclusions? No, because there isn’t any. Quite the contrary!

The immediate declaration of “This is war!” rather swiftly swerved into the spirit of “patriotism,” and that has caught on fire. This will do just as well to serve the real perpetrators’ interests because it, too, precludes a public outcry for proof of the official conclusions.

Those they need to accuse as the monstrous evildoers have to be natural suspects, ones who have been built from ground up through covert and overt means for decades.

The dark minds behind this don’t deal with spontaneity. They deal with calculations and strategies developed over decades. If not Plan A, then Plan B. If not the persons originally in charge, then those two or three or four generations later who share the same dark dreams continue to manifest them.

This steady march with only the names changing, never the aims, has been proceeding throughout millennia, which in the estimation of the darkness is acceptable and the timetables need not be rigid.

However, the call for war was the purpose from the beginning. The “terrorism” is the fuel needed to rally public support for war. Those thousands of deaths on September 11 that were needed to achieve this support are inconsequential to the dark forces, whose nature does not encompass conscience, honor, compassion, love or empathy.

The unconscionably brutal attacks that the darkness manipulated through their willing puppets had to be tied into something that could be presented as so pervasive and so fearsome that the whole world wants to eliminate it: global terrorism.

So, that is exactly what the dark forces had to create so that next could come the world’s FEAR of it. Not only can fear generate national and perhaps global unity in a rare instance of agreement, but it creates the negativity that is the foundation and armament of the masterminds of darkness. And that is the real prize.

Light cannot coexist with negativity, and fear is one of the most powerful of negative emotions—an opposite of light in vibratory composition—so you can understand why increasing the amount of fear throughout the populace is essential to the plans of the dark forces.

But fear is only their penultimate goal. Total planetary conquest is their ultimate goal. What happened on September 11 is really only another strategic move by the dark forces in their ages-old conflict with the light forces as to which force will rule the planet.

It sounds like a science fiction plot, like a sorcerer’s tale of diabolical conjuring and treachery, but it is much more real than are any of those steel and concrete structures on Earth.

A later message

MATTHEW: Now then, I shall mention some of the facts of 9/11 that we in these stations of light know as truth and that can be verified by those among you who are considered experts in their fields.

The planes were remotely controlled by measures designed to override any manual maneuvers by pilots. The towers were designed to withstand the force of the largest planes hitting them directly.

The towers collapsed due to controlled demolition measures, by explosives strategically located and detonated in timely rhythm; witnesses reported hearing explosions prior to the buildings falling. Both the Pentagon and the plane that crashed in the field were hit by scalar beam weaponry.

Regarding the Pentagon, the beams were aimed at the section where a communications group had been recently relocated. Results of a major airliner hitting that building at top speed would have penetrated more deeply and devastated more broadly than photos of the destruction showed; further, no one saw any plane approaching that building and there was no way a plane could have struck as the damage showed without being seen at near ground level.

There is much more to consider concerning all that happened that day: Why were many employees in the towers warned prior to September 11th not to report for work that day? Why were standard procedures for intercept planes in no-fly zones not followed, and especially so around the Pentagon after the towers were struck?

Why was the debris of the towers so quickly collected and disposed of? Where were the remains of the plane claimed to have hit the Pentagon and why were no bodies recovered from the tail section? Why were the "black boxes," designed to withstand far more heat and impact than they sustained, declared destroyed?

Why, within a day or two, were 19 terrorists identified by name and photos, and later, when it was discovered that several were alive, was there no widespread challenge to the original report?

Why, after being informed of the first tower being hit, did the US president continue to spend time with young school children instead of immediately departing the room to act as a responsible Commander in Chief would have?

Many other aspects of that day also point to the culpable parties, who needed something of that shocking and tragic nature to start the "war on terrorism" by causing the justification for it.

This is what you are seeing today, the extension of the dark plans to weaken not only the invaded countries, but ultimately all countries on the road to global control. This will not happen! Not only I, but other high beings of light have been sending forth this assurance through respected messengers on the planet.

We have repeatedly stated the need for you to send love energy to the dark ones as that is the most powerful healing force in the universe. Not hatred of them, but focusing on the opposite of their actions—on peace, justness, kindness, compassion, forgiveness, cooperation—is what will end the darkness on Earth.

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