Sunday, November 11, 2018

Weather Manipulation - MATTHEW WARD

Manipulating weather by technologically increasing and directing wind velocity and intensifying or decreasing cloud activity, to cause downpours or drought, respectively, is the work of the Illuminati, the cabal. They don’t need to start an event from scratch, just exacerbate whatever existing condition serves their interests. They can maneuver a mild storm into a hurricane, turn a small fire into a wildfire, send temperatures soaring or plunging, intensify tremors into earthquakes or volcanic eruptions.

And, the energy of those events isn’t confined to the areas where they occur—it goes global, so to say. A typhoon heading toward Indonesia, for example, not only sets in motion conditions thousands of miles away, but also stirs things up within the planet. The encouraging word here is, ET crafts’ technology reduces the extent of destruction intended by the Illuminati—witness the lessening of hurricane Florence’s force. Nevertheless, if weather and seismic activity happened naturally, the release of negativity would be done more gently and Earth would be farther along her way to a moderate climate globally.

However, it would be unfair to blame the Illuminati for all abnormal weather and “natural” disasters you are experiencing. Pollution of your air, earth and water; deep mining, drilling and fracking; destruction of rain forests and damming of rivers are contributors to climate change, which comes in tandem with environmental damage. And, in large part, those situations arose with the modernization of your world as industries’ products and services have provided employment and increasing comfort and convenience to many. Growing awareness that progress in those respects cannot continue damaging the planet is spurring visionary innovations in power generation, engineering, fuel, construction, transportation, agriculture, and recycling of waste into usable forms.


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