Wednesday, April 29, 2020

When in Rome do as the Romans do

"Conform on the outside, not on the inside."

"When in Rome, do as the Roman's do."

I practice social distancing as expected when in a shop, but I do this not because of any fear of a virus, but because this is now accepted as "good manners".

I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable, unnecessarily. 

But because I don't see the virus as a serious threat, or one that I can control, my thoughts have been on other things since the panic began- things that ARE in my control.

I apologise to those who see this thing as a big deal when I don't.

The whole thing is just not something that interests me.

In fact, I avoid news media because of its ungodly focus on this thing.

It's just so boring and repetitive and has nothing to do with living a rich and fulfilling life.

So I choose life and not death, by focusing on things that are life promoting, not the drone of the death-obsessed media and those caught in its clutches.

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