Monday, May 4, 2020

Who are the anti-vaxxers?

What the general public have been taught to call "anti-vaxxers" are a pretty heterogeneous group.

Some are "never-vaxxers", refusing vaccines forever more, some are "sometimes vaxxers", open to the possibility of a receiving a vaccine one day, but not currently interested, and some are "safe vaxxers", pushing for vaccines to continue to exist, but in safer forms than today.

On a leadership, or public notoriety level, there is division between those pushing for safer vaccines and those who want them either abandoned or restricted to people who are able to provide informed consent (i.e. adults), very similar to modern popular views on circumcision.

The one thing these groups have in common is an opposition to vaccine mandates of any kind and to all types of bullying and discrimination based on a person's vaccine status.

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