Thursday, October 1, 2020

Far-right, far-left and extremists

The use of "far-right" and "far-left" as terms to smear people seems largely idiotic and random to me.

What makes someone "far"? 

Is it the belief that violence, bullying or discrimination is justified in order to change the political system or to get people to change the way they act? 

If so, then the person is dangerous, no matter what political label is applied. 

But if they don't advocate the use of force then they are not extreme, and so any label of "far" seems misplaced.


I would say anyone who holds the view that the ends justifies the means is an extremist, no matter where on the political scale they are, and even if they are considered "esteemed" members of the establishment.

After all, many "respectable" members of the establishment push for unnecessary wars and laws that discriminate against minorities and in favor of vested interests.

I would call them extremists.

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