Sunday, July 2, 2023

Internet companies are part of the swamp

Big internet companies such as Google, Facebook and Wikipedia are all part of the swamp. All have been corrupted by the same forces that corrupt other institutions that the mainstream media (which is also part of the swamp) promote. Only Twitter now seems to be largely free of this corrupt influence. It's presumably why Elon Musk spent all that money to buy it. He calls himself a "free speech absolutist" which is the opposite of the swamp. They only want to promote their own propaganda and lies to shape society in their preferred direction. They do what they can to censor or discredit opposing views. They are absolutely untrustworthy and in many eyes quite evil. How their influence is removed remains to be seen but more and more people seem to becoming skeptical of their made-up stories. This removes their power, one person at a time.

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