Thursday, November 21, 2024

Cynics, skeptics and black-pilled people

I thought I had given up battling arrogant, cynical "skeptics" years ago, but now that I receive Facebook posts from a crop circle group it has begun again. (See comments for an example.)

I must say I despise these depressing "social skeptics"*, and their "humourous" tricks. 

I had previously learnt to leave them alone, preferably keeping a symbolic distance of about 1,000 light years between us, but have dipped my toe, foolishly, back in the water.

Now, in the truth movement, we have a somewhat similar group that some call "black-pilled" people, who think everything and everyone in the public domain is a con.

I realise many popular things are a scam, but I don't think everything is. This makes me a fool or a dupe in their eyes.

My stance is sometimes called being "red-pilled," meaning accepting the fraudulence of many things deemed factual by the establishment but not seeing all successful communicators as being deceivers. 

As a side note, when the establishment media use the term "red-pilled," it is apparently to describe "far-right" racists or sexists or whatever other smear term they come up with to describe people who don't trust them anymore.

This is not how people in the truth community use the term. It originates from a scene in the Matrix movie, of course, and has nothing to do with racism, sexism, or any other ism.

It just means someone who is or has woken up to the lies we are taught to believe in this world by what I call the establishment and what others call the shadow government, the deep state, the western empire, etc.

Black-pilled people, in contrast, think that anyone who achieves any public fame is either a Freemason or controlled opposition and is intentionally spreading lies, even if mixed with some truth. 

They don't believe anyone can achieve any level of success in promoting a message unless "secret forces" allow it to happen.

In other words, they think the deep state or shadow government exercises complete control over the internet, the media and any other space a person may use to make their message heard by an audience of any substantial size.

To me, black-pilled people sound like death. Their cynicism seems like nihilism to me, and I don't accept its validity.

Black-pilled people's beliefs may not seem like nihilism to them, but it certainly does to many other people who reject their blanket negativity.

Personally, I don't like to engage with such folk.

Life is too short to be dragged into black holes by faithless people, whether they realise the deep negativity they project or not. 

Many black-pilled folks confuse their deep cynicism for enlightenment. Good luck to them on that one. 

All I know is I don't want to be around them.

* See the website below for an explanation of social skepticism v. true, ethical skepticism.

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