Sunday, December 1, 2024

David Icke, a rare case of someone famous who speaks freely

I would say David Icke, whether we agree with him or not, is possibly the only "somebody" who actually speaks his mind fully and doesn't hold back. There are no taboo subjects for him, like there are for most other popular figures, and he could care less what is written or said about him by the ignorami.

That's makes him free, and that's something that can't be said about any well-known public figures I know of. 

It's only the lesser known people who also speak freely, but who most people have never hear of.

In some people's eyes that makes David Icke "controlled opposition" or part of the global deception because, in their eyes, no one achieves notoriety unless the global cult allow it to happen.

This is not a perspective I share, particularly concerning David Icke.

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