Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Medical drugs are only good for emergencies

I understand now medical drugs are for emergencies, they don't offer a path to healing. In fact, I would say they largely inhibit it. Perhaps not in all cases, but generally there seems to be safer, natural alternatives for most longer-term problems. 

What people need is education. Listening to Barbara O'Neill's talks is one way. She is an Australian banned from giving talks in Australia by the Australian government. So is David Icke similarly banned in Australia. 

The Australian government is afraid of system busters. They must all be taking money under the table from the corporations that benefit from the status quo. Either that or they're just ignorant and brainwashed, like most people unfortunately.

The propaganda is so thick, as there is much money to be made from a sick population and none from a healthy one, by these corporations that profit off sickness like vultures. Some call them "big pharma", others "the devil", which is pretty close when you really look at their actions and their products, which are basically toxic garbage. And these firms are all convicted felons, still practising their form of witchcraft, and using their piles of cash to bribe politicians around the world to do their bidding.

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