Friday, January 12, 2024

Are ETs demons?

Is it only flat earthers that believe extraterrestrials are demons in disguise? 

It seems like such a backwards, medieval way to look at things. Not to mention incredibly pessimistic and showing a terrible regard for God. They made Him seem so small and pathetic. I just put it down to people possessing a small minded fear. Like small town thinking or like how a secluded stone age tribe on an island resort to attacking any visitors to their island. Obviously the visitors are demons and must be killed. It's the same limited, fear-based mental pattern. And what if they're wrong? Think of what could be gained from communication and cooperation with a society of beings far advanced spiritually and technically from our own? Or do they think God only created one planet and one dominant species to rule it? Although this is incredibly limiting it is theoretically possibile and it's belief make humans feel more important, which is an ego thing, but I think it hugely unlikely. And that's a good thing. If the soul is immortal they're had better be myriad worlds for it to experience, otherwise a deep bordem mady set in. In which case an eternity would be a very long time to endure.

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