Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Unity consciousness: the eye within the storm

In certain spiritual circles, there is talk of unity consciousness versus duality. In Buddist terms, this is "being awake" versus being in Samsara or delusion.

This world promotes duality, us and them, I and They, me and you.

In the spiritual perspective, there is no differentiation between within and without. Objects in consciousness are treated equally. 

That doesn't preclude the ability to recognise danger or to move away from that which is destructive.

Discernment still exists in the state of unity consciousness, but the emotional charge is gone. There is no hatred for any other. There is only compassion, for all beings are seen as part of the one life, the one cosmos, which we all inhabit and share.

In Buddhist terms, this state of equanimity, or unity consciousness, results in "right action, right thought and right deed." 

This view represents the idea that when we are at peace, we can see things clearly, and we can respond appropriately to events that arise. 

When we are instead emotionally inflamed right action and thought become impossible. Even our perceptions and judgements will be adversely affected. We literally will be unable to see straight or to think straight. 

This is perhaps a reason beings get caught in the web of ongoing karmic relations, due to wrong action being performed in past lives or in this one.

The way out is simple. Develop equanimity towards all things. We need to not be reactive in this life. We can see ourselves as like the eye of a storm, where there is peace within while being surrounded by instability and madness.

The world is indeed mad, and madness is on the rise as life becomes increasingly unpredictable and unstable.

We can expect to be surrounded by people who lose their minds, particularly if they are plugged into the matrix of mind control.

The news is perhaps the primary tool of the deluded ones to inflame the population, so they will be as deluded as the propagators are.

After all, the spiritual enemy feeds on negative emotion, and this is what keeps it alive, both within us and in the world at large.

So, to be clear, it is our duty to see through all this and have compassion for those who are lost. That doesn't mean everyone can be saved. Many will fall, unable to stabilise in chaotic times. But we can build a symbolic fortress around us by pulling back and not buying into the dialectic state of mind being promoted. Just say "no," as Nancy Reagan so wisely said.

So sit on your chair of peace and share that peace will all around you.

Love wins, and the time of chaos will soon come to an end.

So let's not get involved in the slagging matches, which are just egoic delusions and focus on that which never changes. The formless, changeless One within.

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