Friday, March 7, 2025

"We" are not responsible

Quite a few people use the term "we" when describing the actions of their government. As in "we did this..." or "we did that...". As if they were part of government decision, when they weren't. There's no "we" in it and it's pathetic to think there is. "We" didn't give billions to Ukraine, "we" didn't blow up the Nord Stream Pipeline, "we" didn't carry out the 911 attacks, "we" didn't plan and carry out the John Kennedy assassination, "we" didn't go to the moon and "we" didn't win the Second World War. Sections of the US government did many of these things, or contributed, but it's not only wrong to say the US population, in general, did these things, or that some civilian alive today is somehow, in some way, responsible for any of these things. 

We're responsible for what we do, but not for what anyone else does, including any government. That should be pretty clear by now. And we certainly aren't responsible for any past event, unless we were directly involved. 

So this use of "we" in such instances should be done away with. It's a false claim of responsibility or blame and it sounds stupid.

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