Saturday, April 15, 2023

China, Russia and World Peace (Part 2)

But back to China:

I don't expect China to do anything stupid, as they never have in modern history, that I'm aware of. No invasions since Tibet, just trying to make their country as prosperous as possible and building peaceful trade relations with other countries. I don't know a lot about the Uyghur situation and so there is probably room for criticism there. Even with their so-called enemies, such as the "5 eyes" countries (USA, the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Canada) who think the world should belong to them and who act as their policemen, and who waste hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars that could be used to help the poor, rather than being spent on war machines directed at China and Russia. 

Two countries we should be building friendships with, but being labelled a Putin-apologist is the new outcast label, along with "anti-vaxxer", "right winger", "conspiracy theorist", etc. All labels used to try to make the programmed herd ignore or attack you as enemies of their dark group, which they believe is right and good. The groups, previously labelled as the outsiders, are the "Rebel Alliance" of today, in Star Wars terms. And yes, amongst them are fakes and spies, as in any war, and we must be vigilant and on guard for enemies both from within and without. That's what intuition and a rational mind are for.

As William Cooper the father of the modern truth movement said, "Read everything, listen to everybody, believe nothing unless you can prove it with your own research."

So China, in general, doesn't have a recent history of attacking other countries, but instead it tries to work with them economically and has been successful in this endevour.

Yes, the formation of modern day China was paved with blood (which country wasn't?) and they immorally took control of Tibet, so their government leaders have been no saints, but times are a changing and China's main goal now seems to be economic growth in a peaceful world. Their economy is not based on war like the USA's economy has been since WW2. The USA has remained on war footing, with huge expenditure on weapons, troops and bases all over the world since WW2. Not Russia. Not China. The USA and its allies. They are all great militarists, which they will say is there to protect democracy and freedom in the world. A convenient lie, to use Al Gore's term. We don't need that many nukes, subs, aircraft carriers, etc. It's not WW2 anymore, though some wish it were. And it's these folks who must never have the power to launch a first strike. But I dont think it will allowed anyway 

Humans are evolving, playing in a sandpit of a kind, and there are adults present to make sure we don't overstep the mark in our ignorance and ruin things for everybody.

Back to China
China are not the world power with hundreds of military bases in other countries, supposedly to protect those countries from China? (Or from the "protectors" as an extortion racket? The big bullying the small. An old historical theme.) 

The idea that we need to be afraid of China or Russia or communism for that matter, which no longer exists and never really did, after all... countries are a balance of government and private industry and it is the level of personal freedom, environmental care and social fairness that we need to look at, not just a simple label to vilify the leadership of a country, if they won't play ball with the exploitive western countries and are therefore vilified, attacked economically (including with sanctions), and their leaders are the target of assassinations with the methods becoming more sophisticated every day, to ensure plausible deniability.  Heart attack, cancer, you name it, they can produce it and who can prove who or what started it? But when a number of "problem" leaders fall in a similar way or around the same time for opposing some important element in the western establishment's plans you have to ask: is it another assassination? 

From what I am led to believe these have happened a lot in recent times and some leaders still seeming to hold onto power are actually look alike doubles, with the true leader now dead. This keeps the power structure in place should an assassination be successful.

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