Sunday, April 30, 2023

The transparent evil of the establishment

If I offend people by speaking the truth... tough titties. 

It's time people were woken up from the pollyanna dream the media has placed around them. 

"Wake up and smell the thorns", as the bad guy in Meet Joe Black said. 

Ain't no substantive change for good going to happen in this world while people are living in a dream world created by PR firms the establishment hire to make them look good and to crap on the reputations of those they deem a threat.

A change of leadership is essential from the current satanists to the men and women of God. 

And I'm not talking about religion, because most of that is fake. After all, everything the establishment touch turns to mud. They twist everything. They ruin the good and lionise the bad.

No, I'm talking about genuine, well-meaning people. The kind the establishment media like to hate and smear endlessly. Linking them to Russia, calling them "conspiracy theorists", etc. The establishment are the masters of lies and projection. But not so good that a huge number of people can't see right through them.

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