Tuesday, April 4, 2023

My criticism of Trump

I have to criticise Trump otherwise people will think I'm a blind Trump lover. 

So here's my criticism: Trump be careful who you take advice from. 

Never allow a deep state dirty rat to infest your thinking with their poison. 

Appoint me as "chief discrimination officer" and I will let you know which ones to trust and who to ignore. It's usually pretty obvious: Fauci and Gates are dirty rats, for example. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr can be trusted. Tulsi Gabbard, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz are trustworthy, to name but a few. It's not rocket science. Bad guys are creepy and lie and almost certainly smell bad. Good guys are lovely and tell the truth and most likely have a more pleasant aroma.

That's if you become president again. 

As for Biden. There's no help possible for his team. They are on the boat of (spiritual) death sailing to the hell realms, through their selfish and evil actions of their own free will. 

Their spirits are dark as the night. Like Hillary. Like George Bush Snr. Satanic captured souls. Lost for half an eternity. Perhaps more?

Below: an accurate picture of Trump, according to the establishment media.

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