Nothing physical is believed to be able to travel faster than the speed of light.
Therefore, given the vast size of the universe, space travel will only become truly effective when spacecraft are able to leave this physical realm and reappear within it at another location in space-time.
For this to occur there must be a shift by the travellers to another dimension of reality which allows the inhabitants to reconnect with physical reality at another point in space-time.
Currently the human race appears to be a long way from having developed such technology. However, the common sightings of apparent extra-terrestrial spacecraft in the earth’s atmosphere by reliable witnesses suggest other races have already done so.
Our greatest chance of developing successful space travel technology therefore seems to lie with opening channels of communication with such beings in the hope they would be willing to share their knowledge.
However such communication on a general scale is unlikely to occur until the human race has progressed beyond its violent and environmentally destructive ways.
For what advanced race would currently wish to provide the means for humans to spread their destructive ways throughout the universe?
Image: Overseer by Unknown