What is interesting to me is the psychology of taboo in mainstream media and in almost all mediums of communication, bar the internet.
Discussion of what happened on 911, except for repeating the officially sanctioned story, is almost outlawed! And this is supposed to be a free society? Communist China could not have done a better job in controlling the narrative and they must be studying how to use the idea of censorship by taboo rather than by law and force of arms from their "friends" in the West.
It seems to start by using the world "conspiracy" and then discrediting it and ridiculing anything associated with this term. This tactic is used to marginalise viewpoints perilously close to the truth about issues that are disturbing to the government and the ruling elite.
We must use our discrimination to see through the fog of lies perpetuated by those who gain from keeping the population in a state of ignorance. This begins by disregarding the bleating of the "conspiracy theory" label voiced by the gatekeepers of the official lie!
Sharka Todd
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