A fact is a quality of the physical universe that is widely agreed upon. It can relate to events that are widely believed to have occurred or to physical objects or relationships between physical objects that are agreed to exist.
A truth is a different matter. Truth is generally used to refer to a deeper order of events than purely physical “facts”. Some would call this the “spiritual” level. “God is love” is an example of one widely held “truth”. Another could be “life is meaningful”. Neither of these two assertions can ever be proven in a comparable way to those of physical facts. Therefore, they are not seen as the province of physical science but rather of spiritual belief systems.
It follows that the idea that certain scientific discoveries have somehow dislodged certain spiritual truths (such as "God is love") is mistaken because scientific facts(called "supported theories") are dealing with a different order of reality.
“Truth” can only be known by an individual human whereas “facts” are widely held and easily observable by many people. "Truth" refers to an inner ordering of events whereas facts are a description of the outer order of events.
Truth can never be found “out there” in the way facts can be, but only in the recesses of one’s own (spiritual) heart!
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