Snippet of conversation on 911 relating to steel and fire
@J* R*: your doubts [about the alternate 911 theory] are answered in the video series [featuring David Ray Griffin] beginning here:
The 911 “alternate” conspiracy theory does not rest on what hit the Pentagon. The question of how the nominated Arab pilot could (not) have pulled off such a move is discussed in the video.
Even if the steel lost strength [in WTC 1 and 2] near the crash zone and subsequent fires the remaining steel below would not have*. Therefore, a collapse at near free fall speed would be impossible. This is only possible if all support failed near simultaneously which would not be the case in a fire, but would be in a controlled demolition.
(*This ignores the fact that steel is an excellent conductor of heat and that the heat applied to steel near the crash zone would have been conducted away from the site throughout the steel core of the building keeping the steel temperature too low to cause significant structural damage.)
Sharka Todd
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