The appearance of something is not the same as its underlying reality but try telling that to a scientist!
For the study of science is the study of appearances: the “outward” nature of things, rather than their “inward nature”, which we could perhaps call "the contents of consciousness".
It is this "inner nature" which is so real to each of us- indeed it is our only experienced reality- and yet it is ignored by science, particularly the physical sciences, which hold such sway over the thinking of mankind.
Because this content of consciousness cannot be placed in time and space or viewed with the 5 outwardly focused senses (as it is not material in the ordinary sense) it is ignored and pretended away into non-existence.
The end result of this is a society that thinks only physical things are real, that life is ultimately meaningless and that existence ends when the body ceases to function.
This is due to placing too much emphasis on the physical sciences which only deal with a small fraction of reality- the physical domain.
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