Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The timing of our death

If life is like a ride at a theme park, then it's one where we don't know when it will end. 

Life may end before we feel ready or it may go on after we are tired of it.

The timing of death seems not to be in the hands of the conscious self.

Although having never died (or come near death) it is impossible for me to say for sure.

I became good friends with a man who had a near death experience where he was given the choice to live or die. The thought of his children who he felt a duty to brought him back into this world, after entering an altered state during a near drowning in a boating accident.

It was very clear for him the choice he was given.

He was upside down in a kayak on the Don River when the event occurred and was unable to right himself or exit the cabin.

After enter a state of peace and tranquility it was his thought of his loved ones that drew him back into the world and he promptly dropped out of the kayak with that connection.

Whether everyone is given such a choice, I don't know.

But I do know from myriad reports that moving away from this world, towards "heaven", is an overwhelmingly positive experience for most people.

This makes the idea of remaining alive on earth, in contrast, unappealing for many, but a sense of purpose in this world draws some back.

There is also guidance given as to whether it is wise for our soul to leave then or not.

The choice remains with us, but the guidance given is so wise in love that it is usually obeyed.

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