Monday, December 9, 2019

Why kids deserve to know the truth about Santa - CHRIS KIRCKOF

Why are children told so many lies? Why do adults tell children that their Christmas presents are from Santa Claus instead of them? Think I’m being extreme? 

Why are they told Columbus discovered America when he didn't and was more famous for mass genocide? Why are they told fluoride is good for their teeth when every documented study shows it is a neurotoxin? Why are they told they need to be injected with vaccines to be healthy when there is no study conducted showing they are safe? Why are they told to be a slave to government schooling for as long as possible? Why are they told we fight wars to stop terrorism instead of revealing that they are about profiteering, resource control and global domination? Why are the lies stacked so high the children rarely if ever even see the truth that is standing behind those lies? 

The projection of fear, authority figures and societal programming runs so deep most aren't even aware of what is being done to them because it has occurred every single day of their life for as long as they can remember. Since the moment we were born, society has imposed on us what to do, what to think and what to feel, and it has conditioned us to believe that if we don’t follow its rules, we’re bound to get into serious trouble. Read that again, follow the rules or you’ll be trouble, kind of like be nice and get presents or if you’re naughty Santa won’t come. That’s projection of false fear by a false authority figure and that’s programming children.

Society uses one thing to make us do what they wanted us to do: fear. If you want to manipulate anybody, first make him or her afraid. Once afraid, he or she will be ready to accept your offered suggestions. Be good or Santa won't reward you with gifts. Think like everyone else or the teacher won't reward you with good grades. Stay in school forever and rack up huge debt or you won't ever have a good job. Inject toxins into the children or people will look down on you. Get that new car because yours has a rust spot. Vote for this puppet or the other puppet will win. 

This tactic is being continuously used in our everyday life, but we are unaware of it. Have a clear look around you, and you will see what I mean. Politicians are being elected by persuading the masses through the use of fear. Companies are selling their products by manipulating consumers’ insecurities in advertising. Journalists influence public opinion by terrorizing people’s minds. Fear is the best weapon of all great manipulators. It can move people to do anything, no matter how nonsensical it is.

What is Christmas actually supposed to celebrate? Who made it about a fat guy in a suit who gives us more crap we don’t need? Think about that and how we’ve been manipulated for a long time. You aren’t depriving your child of any magical childhood by lying to them. Nobody ends up caring about Santa. In the long run they will thank you and trust you more by telling them the truth and showing them you will lift the veil of the societal illusions.

I’ll wait for the triggered and nitpickers in the comments section....


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