Saturday, December 14, 2019

Has victory already been achieved?

Dark v light.

Some say: victory is already achieved, we're just watching it unfold in 3D.

Others say: victory is impossible, the enemy is too powerful and change is too difficult.

My feelings align with 1.

I feel victory has been achieved for a long time.

Light has defeated darkness for control of the earth... but the light can't be turned to full brightness overnight, for we would be spiritually blinded.

Gradually the lights come on and everything is exposed for what it is, not what is has long professed itself to be.

That is when THE GREAT CLEANUP can take place, but energetically this has been underway for a long time.

This doesn't stop dark agendas from playing out. We saw that with the 9/11 attacks and other assaults on human decency and freedom taking place.

But such events have become less and less as the darkness cannot gather enough strength to enact them.

It is defeated like an exhausted dragon.

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