Monday, May 8, 2023

Dave Grohl, Nirvana and the Covid vaccine

While it is true Dave Grohl was a complete dickhead about the covid vaccine (like other supposedly "alternative" artists), he was a great drummer for Nirvana. And Kurt and Dave deserved that. 

Sure, anyone who demanded anybody receive a vaccine against their will has a black mark against their name, but Grohl gets a lot of positive karma for his role in Nirvana. 

As for Foo Fighters, I'm like, whatever, but good on him for having success after Kurt left.

Hopefully now the covid BS is fading away he might see how wrong he was. Who knows? 

Few people are capable of recognising how deceptive the establishment is. They still think truth is found in the numbers who are programmed to believe what is said on TV. 

Time for these childlike folk to grow up!

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