Monday, May 1, 2023

The danger of misinformation

You hear it said that "misinformation" is one of the great threats to face the world at the moment, but that's just another way of saying the power elite are afraid of losing control of the narrative. 

The power elite have been spreading their propaganda for decades, largely unchallenged, until the internet arrived. All of a sudden the sharing of information has became more democratic. This is not what the power elite have ever wanted. They want the words of their servants to be the authorities that the public never questions. But it's too late for that. The cat is out of the bag. It's becoming increasingly more difficult to spread information unchallenged. 

In recent years the establishment have attempted to gain control of the internet and stamp out the sharing of information that threatens their interests. They have put a great deal of emphasis on this because if you can control a person's thoughts, you can control them. But if you lose control then you lose the support of the population. 

I think of how quickly the tables turned on Benito Mussolini, the Italian Fascist dictator during WW2. One minute he was "king", surrounded by bodyguards, the next he was executed by his people and hung from a light pole. 

Obviously no power elite want this. The French Revolution also stands as a warning. The people greatly outnumber the ruling classes and if they turn against them then they are in real trouble.

Hence the billions spent on PR/propaganda to stop the dam wall from breaking.

I expect their efforts to fail.

You could say I'm an optimist.

But they're becoming more and more transparent, in the reality that they are untrustworthy and don't have the best interests of humanity at heart, no matter what they may claim.

If this trend continues they are doomed.

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