Monday, May 8, 2023

The insanity of evil

One positive thing about being a spiritual believer, among a countless number of other things, is that you realise nobody gets away with anything. 

The good are rewarded and the evil end up where they belong. And it's not in a mansion outside NYC (like in Eyes Wide Shut) or in Beverley Hills. It's a rotted version of such places. Like Alice Cooper had remade them for a horror video. 

Hell has been described multiple times in many books. It's not a lake of fire. It's many things, none of them good. Because it's a reflection of the souls who live there.

I find it crazy that humans can be so insane and blind as to think they can be involved in the murder of someone good and get away with it. Like the goon squad that killed JFK. Do they really think anything good would come from that? A few years of power? Are they ruled by demons? So sick. So stupid. So blind.

While JFK immediately found himself in paradise. 

Good emanates from a good heart. People need to be able to clearly see this. Then no evil potential ruler would go anywhere near power. They would be seen for what they are, not what they and their PR gang pretend them to be.

It's the people supporting them in their spiritual blindness that allow their reign of terror to continue.

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