Friday, May 5, 2023

Facing up to what the establishment really are

I don't pretend to present the full picture on anything complex because that's impossible. I just try to fill in the gaps the establishment and its endless PR machine miss. And to point out how unreliable and deceptive they are. 

Many people know this by now and those that don't perhaps never will, because many people just don't want to know. Just as children don't want to hear that Santa isn't real.

They want to believe the pollyanna view the establishment present of themselves as "the good guys", when in fact they are greedy, lying, murdering, thieves. 

We are taught as children to trust authority and many people never outgrow this infantile stage. They are afraid or unwilling to take responsibility for their own view of life, instead preferring to blindly follow what they are programmed to believe.

But even if there is only one person open to hearing truth you can never give up speaking it, because truth matters, integrity matters, morality matters. 

And the establishment, or deep state as some people call them, possess none of these qualities, they only pretend to. They are murdering cretins who belong in prison. 

All this can be read from their body language, their aura and their actions. There is no need to listen to the TV puppets speak, because all they speak is lies, anyway. Pure poison.

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