(Comments written in response to remarks concerning the inadequacy of "God".)
Can't people see God/Life is perfect? We are each given all we need to live fruitfully and are left in peace (by God) to live life as we choose, with our intuition and rational faculties for guidance.
What about the poor and the starving, you say? That is a creation of humans, not God! It would be a poor God that intervened in Earthly life and overrode our free will.
Think of the ideal parent- that is one who allows us to make our own choices! I don't understand what people get so unhappy about. Your life is in your own hands- why blame God for it? And if you don't believe in God then no problem, there is nothing to complain about!
Why do people go on about the God of the Christian bible? Why care about it? It's just some old book, some of it of value, some not. If you don't like it, just ignore it! It not as if anyone is forcing you to read it or live life according to it!
further comments regarding "God", life and suffering:
@ Kevin- some good questions to ask may be: what would this reality look like if there was no suffering? Is suffering necessary? Do we create it?
If people want a physical world, like the one we live in, then I would suggest physical suffering is necessary for survival purposes. As for emotional suffering- that's up to us!
Emotional suffering also has its purpose- to stop us creating negatively through our thoughts. Constructive thoughts do not cause pain, only destructive ones do that!
We are the extensions of "God" that get to choose.
Sharka Todd