Friday, August 30, 2019


I don't receive an annual flu shot or regularly visit the doctor.
Does that make me anti-science?

I drive a petrol powered car that contributes to atmospheric CO2.
Does that make me anti-science?

I live in a non-passive solar house.
Does that make me anti-science?

I occasionally fly in planes and travel in ships that contribute to atmospheric CO2.
Does that make me anti-science?

I drink water that has no fluoride or chlorine added.
Does that make me anti-science?

I don't believe what the government or TV tells me.
Does that make me anti-science?

I read books on the paranormal.
Does that make me anti-science?

I prefer the books of Paul Davies to those of Stephen Hawking.
Does that make me anti-science?

I think the words of Jesus are more important than the words of Richard Dawkins.
Does that make me anti-science?

I believe in an afterlife.
Does that make me anti-science?

I am not an atheist.
Does that make me anti-science?

I don't think evolution is the full story.
Does that make me anti-science?

The awakening and those who resist it

Agendas are being pushed to stop "the great awakening". An awakened humanity cannot be controlled in the way it has been for millennia.

Many tools are being used to assault the human body and the earth, to reduce their ability to function and contribute to healthy, harmonious living and clear, enlightened thought.

Many people already know this, but if they attempt to share it they are closed down as "conspiracy theorists" by the unawakened ones.

In this time and age the greatest enemies of man use governments and the media to brainwash the population and push their negative agendas.

Grass roots organisations have sprung up to counter this. These are called deluded conspiracy theorists by those in the media and those who accept the media's pronouncements.

This is an understandable situation when you realise what the controllers of this planet have to lose and the tools they have at their disposal in trying to stop it.

This resistance is to be expected and we should not be too upset that the clampdown is in place.

We need to keep moving forward, spreading the truth as we see it, and living our life by our lights and realisations, and not worry too much about the barking dogs attempting to stop the process.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Bullying is of the devil

Any person or institution that tries to bully people and tell them how to live is of the devil.

The light doesn't work like that. Its agents may make suggestions, but they respect individual free will.

No one of the light will try to shame you for living your life by your own lights. Only agents of darkness will do that!

On violence

If Jesus had called for violence against his enemies he would have lost all credibility and been unable to function as a spiritual leader.

The same goes for Martin Luther King and Gandhi.

Violence is the domain of the fallen soul, not the soul attempting to commune with (and be worthy of) The Most High.

Do not allow yourself to become so imbalanced by this world that violence seems a reasonable option.

If you are that angry about something, allow yourself to calm down before you take any action that would defile you.

This also includes using violent language against your alleged transgressors.

All these things leave a stain on your soul.

Don't be a victim of life, but instead maintain your dignity and be worthy of your God.

"Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect."   MATTHEW 5:48

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Government market intervention

If governments were incorruptible and all knowing then their entry into markets, picking winners and losers, could be justified. 

The problem is, so much government intervention is driven by powerful vested interests to advance their agendas, rather than the wellbeing of the population.

As a result I believe the role of government is to ensure free and open markets in most cases, rather than determining market outcomes by favouring one product over another.

Mandatory products, rigged markets and political corruption

Products that are made mandatory tend to be garbage because there's no incentive to improve them. Instead, they tend to become worse over time.

That's the advantage a free market has.
In a free market if a product is crap and people have to pay full price for it, then it will soon disappear into oblivion. Not so with those things forced on people, where the choice to decline is not allowed.

Any government effort to distort the market, to favour one product over another, will have a similar, but less dramatic effect.

Such intervention will keep garbage products in the market by keeping their price artificially low, while competing products that have to charge their full price will have their demand kept artificially low in comparison.

This is one way markets are corrupted by powerful vested interests, who write their own laws and pay politicians to implement them.

They do so to rig the market to maximise their own profits at the expense of their competitors and the general population at large.

The danger of expressing false confidence

It's bad for the soul when we pretend to know something, when we don't know it at all.

It can also create some unfortunate karma.

In other words, don't sound certain when you are not!

It may adversely influence others who place undue faith in what you say!


William Blake, universal man, freedom

If you are a Jew and nobody knows it, do you admit to being a Jew if they are sending Jews to the death camps?

Is it worth identifying as anything, when people are poised to punish you for it?

After all, all identities are relative... creations of this world, which say little about who we truly are... which is that which cannot be defined or limited in any way?


Being thought a heretic by those convinced of the various dogmas floating around this world has never concerned me. Popularity or social approval is not something that interests me, only truth.

Truth is my god, or to put it another way, Truth is God, as best as can be known, in my opinion.

Truth has no direct relation to what is popular or in vogue, or to what it suits the socially powerful institutions for us to believe, and it never has.

History has borne this out, time and again!

Open finding

There are many political (and other) topics that people are sure of, where I am not.
Many things I return an "open finding" on, either because I find the evidence unconvincing either way, or because I haven't studied the topic in enough detail to be sure.

I don't place my convictions on any authority, because I don't know any that are 100% reliable, (although I do know some who have proven to be very accurate, over many years, which I do rely on, but never to the extent of passing them off as unequivocal truth).

I also don't place my faith in popular opinion, whether amongst the general population or amongst experts. Neither can be fully trusted to be 100% correct on complex issues, as systemic (often unconscious) bias is often at play. History bears this observation out.

I need to look into things deeply myself to feel sure of them. Otherwise I tend to return an "open finding".

Meaning "I don't know."

It would be wrong and dishonest of me to pretend otherwise!

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The origin of the soul

Some spiritual teachings say that the soul is created at the moment of physical conception, when the egg and sperm combine, while others say it is a spiritual birth that occurs before any living physical form is created.

This relates to belief in reincarnation but is not limited by it.

The notion is that the soul is created by a spiritual being, possibly God, the creator of all, and then joins with the developing fetus at an appropriate time in the womb.

The other notion is that it is the combination of the egg and sperm in conception that begins the process, even when it is believed the new life has a physical, as well as non-physical, or spiritual, dimension that continues on after the death of the physical body.

Bodily sovereignty, externalities and vaccines

The existence of externalities (physical and psychic interconnectedness) means that the approach of "live and let live" is not a complete political philosophy to hold.

A farmer or factory upstream can poison the water that is needed by those living downstream. This is unacceptable and why we have environmental agencies.

But when it comes to our bodies we should never force a product or practice on someone who doesn't want it.

It may be argued that doing so results in a positive externality for society, as in the case of "herd immunity" used to promote vaccines, but I don't think this argument is strong enough to override the individual's right to sovereignty over their own body.

If we do accept that the state owns our body then we are on a slippery slope, indeed!

A note on propaganda and mind control

The terms "propaganda" and "mind control" have negative connotations of fascist and totalitarian regimes, but it should be remembered propaganda and mind control can be used to convince people as easily to love their neighbour as to hate them.
So the terms don't refer to the morality of the goal, but rather, to the technique used to achieve it!

Propaganda, war and vaccines

Goering quote on war, propaganda, mind control, Nazis, Goebbels

1. When enough people come to the conclusion that war is a con they bring in conscription, so people are forced to go. Now that many people are questioning vaccines they are bringing in mandates.

2. The ruling powers really have no respect for the free will of the individual.

Their only concern is increasing their own wealth and power at any cost, and to achieve it, they convince the population that it's in their best interests to submit to their plans.

3. This is achieved by the use of (i) propaganda, (ii) rewarding compliance and punishing non-compliance, and (iii) by mobilising the population against dissent - i.e. by encouraging "the mob" to attack and vilify any who resist.

It's the same process used to convince people to support and fight wars, as it is to convince them to support vaccine mandates, or anything else that is an important part of the agenda of the power elite.

Mind control and mobilise "the mob" against those who resist, or against any group that are seen as an obstacle to the ruling powers achieving their goals.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

A note on criticism

It should be remembered that criticising something doesn't make you an enemy of it. In fact, in just shows your appreciation, by illustrating that you care enough to want to see something improved. Others who don't care, don't care about improvement, or what could be done to fix a situation, because they're not even looking at it with a discerning eye.

The law prohibiting idolatry

The law prohibiting idolatry refers to as much to ideas and practices, as it does to objects of worship. Nothing should be seen as infallible. Everything important needs to be closely examined and not taken on blind faith. To do otherwise is to cede responsibility of our lives to others, which is a primary sin.

Medicine is a reflection of society

The idea that the medical industry is being driven by an impersonal force called "science" is naive at best and dangerous at worst.

Health science could look entirely different than the world of medicine we see today.

The medical industry is as a result of our society, with its unique perspectives on life, its technologies, and its overwhelming financial pressures, rather than as an inevitable result of some mystical process called science.

Is life inherent in all matter?

It seems the reason why the boundary between life and non-life is unclear is because life is somehow inherent in even the most inert seeming substance.

I mean, look how crystals naturally form. They are not thought of as alive, and yet they exhibit the character of life which is organised growth.

With more complex forms, like viruses, it is not clear whether they are alive or not.
After all, they do not reproduce themselves, but instead program living cells to do it for them.

It seems irrational for life to appear from non-life, but this may be because there is actually no such thing as non-life, rather just the appearance of it.

Perhaps all matter is alive with living consciousness, as the mystics tell us.

Agriculture, environment, sustainability

With all the talk of climate change, and with the supposed recycling of waste that now gets done, we think we are environmentalists now.

The reality is many of our industries as literally at war with nature.

Agriculture drenches the environment in poisons, slaughters wild animals by the million, ruins waterways, and destroys native bushland.

Other resource-based industries are similarly brutal and destructive.

This is justified under the banner of necessity. But is it really?

Do we really need to be at war with nature to live comfortable and fulfilling lives?

I would like to think not.

There are far more efficient ways that are more nurturing to the earth than current techniques.

Permaculture is one example of a far more efficient food producing system, than the current petrochemical model, in terms of land use and such.

Vast areas of monoculture crops are just unsustainable, no matter how you look at it.

It's just not in harmony with the ways of nature, which none of us are above.

When industries investigate their own products systemic bias will usually be in place...

... blinding investigators to the negative qualities of their products.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Truth just angers those enamoured with the lie.

The Dark Side is brilliant.

The dark side is brilliant.

Their traps, if not invisible, are well-hidden, if not actually attractive to many people, offering something THAT APPEARS to be worth having.

They may even appear to be essential.
But ask yourself this: are they natural? Are they REALLY essential? Do they come from a pure heart? Or is there something perverted about their use?

The dark side takes a good thing and twists it, to serve its own purposes. It has no respect for persons. They are all disposable. A means to an end. Not valued in and of themselves.

Get to the bottom of it.

Is the system set up or twisted by darkness, or is it a pure, untainted process?

Trust your heart.

It is the ONLY pure guide you have.

The mind has been corrupted by the world.
That's just life.

Without bringing the heart online we have no true compass of what is good and noble and what is not.

Friday, August 9, 2019

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

"Anti-science" decoded

"Anti-science" generally decodes as "anti- corporate interests dressed as science", except in the case of climate change, where it refers to a different kind of skepticism. A broader distrust of everything promoted by the establishment.

That's what you get for lying so much, people start to disbelieve all of it, whether it be true or not.

A bit like religion, I guess.

Folks throw out the baby with the bathwater. Assuming there is any baby in the bathwater, of course!

My view on hate speech

I don't usually like to address hate speech directly, because I don't like to promote those who use it, but it is prevalent on the internet.

It seems to mainly be used by ignorant people attempting to slander another group, or by those overcome with heightened emotion, who lash out wildly.

In either case, it results in a high noise to signal ratio, and repels even-minded folks.

I don't think hate speech can possess much sustained value, like reasonable statements by balanced people can.

It's just a phase a disgruntled person goes through, and at the end of it, there will only be shame.

Matthew 15:
17 "Do you not yet realize that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then is eliminated?
18 But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these things defile a man."