Saturday, May 13, 2023

Opiods used to help akathisia

I have mentioned before how my nervous system was badly damaged some time ago by a medication prescribed for insomnia. Well, things seem to be slowly improving, but unfortunately the two medicines I require for my quality of life and sleep to be reasonable are probably the two hardest drugs to get a doctor to prescribe. That puts me in a difficult situation. 

My body can only handle "downers", not "uppers". It needs to be soothed, not stimulated, but the soothing drugs are generally not prescribed to the general public. And I'm not talking about anti-psychotics. They are a disaster, with a terrible side-effects profile (that landed me where I am) but drugs that many doctors are happy to prescribe. 

And another thing I can't handle is cannabis. That is a disaster. Opioids are what I need #1, and benzodiazepines are a poor second choice, but a necessary one if the first choice is unavailable. Far superior to the other type of tranquilizer, anti-psychotics.

See the story below of Jordan Peterson's solution to a similar iatrogenic nervous system disorder to my own. God bless his doctor for having the courage and breadth of mind to try something different that may well have saved Jordan's life. 

It certainly quickly brought his terrible suffering to an end. And it makes sense really. Certain plants were placed on this earth to do things nothing else could. And in this case the fruits of the opium poppy worked wonders.

Will Elon Musk be banned on Twitter?

I wonder if Elon Musk will get banned for going against community guidelines on Twitter?

Community guidelines are such slippery things and seem to me just another way to try to silence dissenting voices. 

They never give any specific reasoning for their decisions, it's like they're made in a black box. So they may as well be pulling it out of their asses, for all the enlightening it provides.

Friday, May 12, 2023

The thing that blew the "Kurt Cobain suicide" story away

The thing that blew the Kurt Cobain "committed suicide" cover story apart were the conversations PI Tom Grant had with Kurt Cobain's and Courtney Love's lawyer, Rosemary Carroll, which Tom Grant recorded. 

Kurt and Courtney were divorcing. Kurt wanted her out of his will but had yet to have the new will signed by witnesses and Courtney wanted Carroll to find the meanest divorce lawyer she could. 

What are the odds Kurt would commit suicide before his new will was signed, leaving a substantial proportion of his fortune to Courtney, who he was clearly a war with, rather than little to none? Instead, Courtney shared his projected 500$ million in projected future earnings, with their daughter, Francis Bean Cobain.

All the stories of Kurt being "suicidal" came from Courtney, including the accidental drug overdose in Rome being a suicide attempt. An accident according to his physician there.

Courtney tried to make it sound like Kurt's death was inevitable. No-one else thought that at all.

If you're interested watch "Soaked in Bleach", "Kurt and Courtney", or read the book below.

It isn't the first time a murder has been made to look like a suicide, which means there is no investigation and that those who gained from his death, who would normally be prime suspects, get to walk away scott free.

Thursday, May 11, 2023

A love letter to Kurt Cobain and Nirvana

I don't know why I'm going through a huge Kurt Cobain/Nirvana stage at the moment. They were never my favourite band but I remember where I was when I first heard "Sounds Like Teen Spirit" and when I heard Kurt had died. That put a dark shroud over the day, but I didn't mourn for days.

In the last couple of months I've watched a lot of Nirvana live videos. I find them entrancing. Kurt is always so fascinating, a beautiful smile, very dynamic. Dave was so committed to the drums, so passionate, and Krist was the light entertainment and held the bass down tight. And the good friend Kurt needed.

Later Pat Smear joined and probably gave the band another year or so with his injection of enthusiasm. A lovely, fun-loving guy to join a great band. 

Kurt wasn't going to be a rock and roller his whole life, I don't think, as he suggested in interviews. He was too creative and dynamic for that. He would have done other things had he lived.

I'm not glad he's not here, but people come and go and so will we in time.

Maybe, if were are lucky, we the fans will get to meet Kurt and see what his latest creations are in the next place and to thank him for his music and just give him our love. 

He was such a beautiful guy. Everybody loved him who knew him, some of the public criticised his "suicide", but I don't hear from them anymore.

Suicide is common among all age groups. Life doesn't always match peoples hope's.  It's never easy to lose anyone we care about. It's one of the toughest gigs in life.

Love + Peace.

A Kurt Cobain Fan.

Psyop are becoming more transparent

It's funny. A lot of people thought the covid "vaccines" were a response to covid, whereas I always saw it as the other way around. That is, covid was released to sell vaccines, and kill people of course. Just as the Patriot Act and the wars in the middle east weren't because of 911, they were why 911 was planned and happened. 

It's all planned for years in advance. And the new laws are set in place to go before the event that they are supposedly written in response to, yet would have taken years to draft.

Deep state psyops are becoming so easy to spot. They're all over the media for one thing, endlessly brainwashing the public 24/7 and lies become the new truths. And such lies continue to be circulated for decades after the event, even when the truth is out there. But who bothers to search? Instead they trust the TV. It's pathetic and sickening. People are so easily led, like lambs to the slaughter.

Monday, May 8, 2023

Kurt Cobain, Dave Grohl and Ireland

Kurt Cobain had ancestry in Ireland and when on tour there (and before he knew of his ancestry, I believe), he walked around the city of Cork with tears in his eyes. He said it was the most spiritual day of his life.

In a strange twist of fate, not long after Kurt died, Dave Grohl was spiritually lost and had given up on music and went driving through the Irish countryside, perhaps looking for inspiration, direction or a distraction from his past.

While driving through the Irish countryside he came upon a hitchhiker wearing a Kurt Cobain t-shirt.

So here he was, thousands of miles from home, trying to escape his past and what it meant, losing a good friend and the band's main creative force, and he couldn't escape Kurt.

This had a big impact on Dave and he took it as a sign from Kurt for him to get back into music.

And the rest, as they say, is history.

Dave Grohl, Nirvana and the Covid vaccine

While it is true Dave Grohl was a complete dickhead about the covid vaccine (like other supposedly "alternative" artists), he was a great drummer for Nirvana. And Kurt and Dave deserved that. 

Sure, anyone who demanded anybody receive a vaccine against their will has a black mark against their name, but Grohl gets a lot of positive karma for his role in Nirvana. 

As for Foo Fighters, I'm like, whatever, but good on him for having success after Kurt left.

Hopefully now the covid BS is fading away he might see how wrong he was. Who knows? 

Few people are capable of recognising how deceptive the establishment is. They still think truth is found in the numbers who are programmed to believe what is said on TV. 

Time for these childlike folk to grow up!

Sometimes the truth is best delayed

I'm glad I didn't know the truth about 911 the day it happened. That would have just made things worse. Same with the death of Kurt Cobain. 

Sometimes initially being fed a lie softens the blow until we are ready to hear the truth. Because sometimes the truth is very ugly indeed. 

Not all humans are saints. There are selfish, heartless ones amongst us, willing to do anything to further their own goals, no matter what damage they do to others. There are also people consumed with rage, who act it out and then deny to themselves that they ever did it. They are psychologically split in two and destroyed as an integrated being. They are driven mad by their inability to accept what they have done and their inability to forgive themselves for it.

These are facts that history bears out, but which many people choose to close their eyes to. They want to live in Pollyanna land. Sorry folks, your world is fake. Grow a pair and open yourself to truth. It won't destroy you. You aren't that weak. And life is forever and nobody gets away with anything. 

In the world of appearances things can seem grim, but nothing lasts forever, and the good hearted ones will get what they deserve. A beautiful life that lasts forever.

Few have the courage for truth

So many people believe whatever they want to believe and avoid any evidence that might negate it. 

Particularly those who are scared of stepping outside of "official stories". 

It's a sign of a lack of courage and a lack of passion for truth. 

Personally I much prefer people with a passion for truth. Far more interesting to talk to. A real, working mind and heart.

Lies and liars hold no appeal for me, and I don't care how many people share in the lie, just because it's become "the official story". 

Official stories mean bugger all and everyone with a passion for truth knows that.

Only the weak minded haven't come to that conclusion yet.

The insanity of evil

One positive thing about being a spiritual believer, among a countless number of other things, is that you realise nobody gets away with anything. 

The good are rewarded and the evil end up where they belong. And it's not in a mansion outside NYC (like in Eyes Wide Shut) or in Beverley Hills. It's a rotted version of such places. Like Alice Cooper had remade them for a horror video. 

Hell has been described multiple times in many books. It's not a lake of fire. It's many things, none of them good. Because it's a reflection of the souls who live there.

I find it crazy that humans can be so insane and blind as to think they can be involved in the murder of someone good and get away with it. Like the goon squad that killed JFK. Do they really think anything good would come from that? A few years of power? Are they ruled by demons? So sick. So stupid. So blind.

While JFK immediately found himself in paradise. 

Good emanates from a good heart. People need to be able to clearly see this. Then no evil potential ruler would go anywhere near power. They would be seen for what they are, not what they and their PR gang pretend them to be.

It's the people supporting them in their spiritual blindness that allow their reign of terror to continue.

Saturday, May 6, 2023

How rumours and propaganda become "truth"

The whole world could agree with you and you could be wrong. No one could agree with you and you could be right. 

Truth is not a numbers game and doesn't depend on consensus. The only time consensus matters is when people are equally well-informed of the facts of a matter, rather than just the PR spin, and that rarely is the case. 

Too often it's people repeating one another that makes it seem than one particular perspective must be the right one, because it's so popular.

One untrustworthy source can be behind everyone's false belief. Watch "Soaked in Bleach" about Kurt Cobain's death if you want to know exactly that that works.

It happened by one person feeding BS stories to the media, which the media repeated ad nauseam, without fact checking. None of which was found to be true when investigative journalists looked into the case and found what the facts were and where the lies began.

Friday, May 5, 2023

Facing up to what the establishment really are

I don't pretend to present the full picture on anything complex because that's impossible. I just try to fill in the gaps the establishment and its endless PR machine miss. And to point out how unreliable and deceptive they are. 

Many people know this by now and those that don't perhaps never will, because many people just don't want to know. Just as children don't want to hear that Santa isn't real.

They want to believe the pollyanna view the establishment present of themselves as "the good guys", when in fact they are greedy, lying, murdering, thieves. 

We are taught as children to trust authority and many people never outgrow this infantile stage. They are afraid or unwilling to take responsibility for their own view of life, instead preferring to blindly follow what they are programmed to believe.

But even if there is only one person open to hearing truth you can never give up speaking it, because truth matters, integrity matters, morality matters. 

And the establishment, or deep state as some people call them, possess none of these qualities, they only pretend to. They are murdering cretins who belong in prison. 

All this can be read from their body language, their aura and their actions. There is no need to listen to the TV puppets speak, because all they speak is lies, anyway. Pure poison.

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Conspiracy theories that are allowed are hollow

A conspiracy theory is ridiculous, unless the establishment is promoting it. Example: Trump working for Russia. Zero evidence, yet endlessly repeated. Example 2: Tulsi Gabbard being Putin's pawn. Evidence: She is not a war monger.

So if you're not a war monger and you don't support a corrupt regime like Ukraine by throwing billions of tax payer dollars at it to be spent on God knows what, then you're a Putin puppet. A country ruled literally by a clown installed by the CIA called Zelenski, and where the Biden family launder money.  You couldn't make this stuff up.

And the true conspiracies that have shaped our world for the worst in recent decades are swept under the rug and anyone who believes them is supposedly deluded. 

Even today the same lies kept being repeated, as if repetition somehow makes them true, and still many people believe them, which is one reason why the world is in such a hole. People continue to place their faith where it ill belongs. 

Instead the folk behind these lies should be behind bars, not someone like Julian Assange, who only publishes the truth, which is something these people abhor, like a vampire abhors the sunlight.

Why are recreational drugs illegal?

If the drugs that have recreational value* (i.e. are enjoyable to use) weren't all illegal would the world be in a bigger mess than it already is? 

Do adults need to be treated like children by their governments for their own safety or is it so that they can remain cogs in the wheels of industry, so that billionaires may become even richer?

Given that most laws are to protect the ruling class from the "common man" I think it's likely the latter.

That's another reason why governments need to fall. They are too corrupt and too controlled by the rich to allow freedom and prosperity to the rest of the population. The kind of freedom the rich enjoy, while denying it to everyone else. Hence, the "leisure class" v the "working class".

Governments, controlled by the ruling class, have no right to tell us what we can put in our bodies, as long as we are not infringing on the free will of others (unlike they are ☠, the immoral, hypocritical sods).

* I don't include alcohol, nicotine or caffeine in this category. To me they are all poisonous rubbish. Which may explain why they are legal. The idea that the ruling class and their puppets in government care about our health is clearly false. After all, one of the main businesses they control and gain from- legal, "medicinal" drugs, which are worth trillions- can only sell to a sick population. And who controls the illegal drug markets? Crime lords and probably the ruling class as well. The last thing they want are free markets. The ruling class love monopolies and oligopolies. It's how they steal from the people and why income and wealth distribution is so uneven.

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

The deep state's foolish trip to hell

The deep state think they are advancing their agendas by carrying out events like 911 and covid, but they are, at best, delaying their demise. 

They are clearly in a race against time, before the human race awaken en masse, which is why they have been so sloppy and so unbelievable. They've literally become a joke to truth seekers. The puppets they choose to parade on TV are becoming more and more ridiculous and transparent. 

It's fun to watch these egos fall from their phony towers. It's not like they didn't agree to a one way trip to hell, just so they could indulge themselves for a few short years on earth. So stupid. What were they thinking? They could outwit God? Fools.

A comment on Dawkins, Hawking, Roberts, Monroe and Wilde

Reading Jane Roberts, Robert A. Monroe and Stuart Wilde at a young age gave me a different perspective on life than someone who reads Richard Dawkins and Stephen Hawking.

I did read Hawking's "A Brief History of Time" but thought it was far inferior to Paul Davies' "God and the New Physics" and only so popular because disability sells. Which it shouldn't. Not when it comes to ideas.

As for Richard Dawkins, he seems to mean well   but I don't see him as a font of wisdom, and a glance through "The God Delusion" certainly added nothing of interest to my knowledge. 

Dawkins may know a thing or two about genetics but his perspective on religion is infantile and obvious. Everyone knows religions are not statements of physical fact, more morality tales, at their best at least. 

And it should be clear to any developed mind that you must separate the wheat from the chaff when it comes to any organised religion or philosophy. To accept it all or reject it all, without discrimination, is equally ignorant in my view.

Materialism, morality and scammers

The thing about materialism as a philosophy is that people who believe in just flesh and blood and no spirit believe they can do whatever they want on earth, no matter how evil and get away with it. A spiritual believer does not. 

That doesn't necessarily make a materialist immoral, but it means that if they are immoral there are no limits how low their behaviour can go. 

This is how I see scammers. They are clearly godless people and lost souls. Scamming seems to be on the rise and they work in groups in sophisticated ways, targeting the vulnerable. 

But I feel pity for people who have sunk so low as to feel they must lie and cheat and steal from others to make their way in the world. 

Ultimately their gains will taste like ashes in their mouth. 

Because morality matters. 

Treating people as you wish to be treated matters.

One day they will find that out, I am sure, if they ever decide to clamber out of their self-made, selfish hell and look at what they've done with their lives and who they have harmed.

It's just they are so ignorant and callous that they think they will ultimately gain from their morally bankrupt behaviour. 

All they gain is a meaningless life, filled with shallow possessions and relationships with equally empty and black -hearted people.

Monday, May 1, 2023

Industries, corruption and buyer beware

Saying an industry is corrupt isn't saying you shouldn't use their products. 

For example, the oil industry is most likely corrupt but that doesn't mean you shouldn't fill your car with gasoline. 

The food industry is corrupt in many ways but we don't stop eating food. The same with medicine. It may not be perfect but it may just save your life. 

Governments can be corrupt but that doesn't mean we shouldn't use their services if it suits us to do so. 

But in this world it is BUYER BEWARE because there generally is no-one looking out for your interests in the way you may think they do. 

There's just not enough man power for that!

The danger of misinformation

You hear it said that "misinformation" is one of the great threats to face the world at the moment, but that's just another way of saying the power elite are afraid of losing control of the narrative. 

The power elite have been spreading their propaganda for decades, largely unchallenged, until the internet arrived. All of a sudden the sharing of information has became more democratic. This is not what the power elite have ever wanted. They want the words of their servants to be the authorities that the public never questions. But it's too late for that. The cat is out of the bag. It's becoming increasingly more difficult to spread information unchallenged. 

In recent years the establishment have attempted to gain control of the internet and stamp out the sharing of information that threatens their interests. They have put a great deal of emphasis on this because if you can control a person's thoughts, you can control them. But if you lose control then you lose the support of the population. 

I think of how quickly the tables turned on Benito Mussolini, the Italian Fascist dictator during WW2. One minute he was "king", surrounded by bodyguards, the next he was executed by his people and hung from a light pole. 

Obviously no power elite want this. The French Revolution also stands as a warning. The people greatly outnumber the ruling classes and if they turn against them then they are in real trouble.

Hence the billions spent on PR/propaganda to stop the dam wall from breaking.

I expect their efforts to fail.

You could say I'm an optimist.

But they're becoming more and more transparent, in the reality that they are untrustworthy and don't have the best interests of humanity at heart, no matter what they may claim.

If this trend continues they are doomed.