When natural health folk reject the tools of modern medicine it isn't because they are "anti-science", it's because they reject the assumptions on which modern medicine is based.
Specifically, they don't view illness as a symptom of a "lack" of pharmaceutical medicines. Instead, they connect it to other things- emotional stress, nutritional deficiency, unhealthy lifestyle, toxic poisoning, lack of rest, lack of appropriate exercise, etc., that they seek to address to regain health. As a result they seek for cures outside the pharmaceutical sphere, in most cases.
This doesn't mean they will always reject the pharmaceutical option, but it is likely to be low on their list of cures to try.
The reason for this is their belief that the body's needs are for natural products, not synthetic ones, and that the synthetic ones are generally symptom suppressors, that are toxic, to one degree or another, and don't help health in the long run, but only harm it.
So it is not a rejection of pharmaceutical "science", it's a rejection of the philosophy behind it, and no number of glowing drug studies is likely to change that belief.