Thursday, May 23, 2019

Shadow banning is immoral!

Any platform that shadow bans* content creators is acting shamefully, as they are acting secretively, unwilling to freely disclose what they are doing with the creator, so that they can intelligently respond.

Secretiveness is a quality of the criminal mind and any platform that operates in a secretive way by shadow banning can be expected to be viewed as a criminal enterprise, making secret deals with who know who, exactly?

*Secretly limiting the exposure of online content for political reasons.

Why do so many people believe establishment lies?

The question often asked is: "how does the establishment get so many people to stand in a row and believe and repeat its lies?"

Simple... on top of the all-encompassing brainwashing campaigns, destroy the reputation of any public figure who steps out of line by presenting an alternative view and watch the people flee to the lies for safety.

There always seems to be a group of zealots happy to mindlessly attack others for "Master".

These folks are called "gatekeepers" and many of them today laughingly call themselves "skeptics".

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Overcoming whitewashes in government and media

When there's a whitewash in the media about an important subject it's up to private citizens to present the other side of the story on social media. They will be attacked for it, but it's the only moral thing to do. Without it people will be forced to make important decisions based on biased and incomplete information.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on vaccine safety:

"No television network will allow you talk about this. No newspaper in the country will allow me to write editorials on this. I can write editorials in almost any newspaper, but if I try to write an editorial on this issue, none of them will accept it. The [pharmaceutical] industry is so powerful. It spends twice on lobbying what the oil industry spends. It spends four times on lobbying than defense and aeronautics spend. So, it is by far the biggest political expenditures of any industry in this country. And it has been able to get rid of all the checks and balances that stand between a rapacious industry on the one hand, and our children on the other."

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Julian Assange's mission on Earth - MATTHEW WARD

Julian Assange is one of the souls who volunteered to leave their homelands and experience whatever harshness would befall them for being truth-tellers, or “whistleblowers.” Once incarnated on Earth, all of that was lost to his conscious awareness, just as it is with all other souls in a third density world that is rife with human frailties. When the opportunity arose whereby Assange could make available to the public information that the US government did not want disclosed, he was fulfilling his soul-level commitment by following inner urgings to act upon the opportunity. We honor him and all other souls who fulfill their mission to make truths known to Earth’s peoples.

Matthew Ward,
With Suzy Ward.

The message behind the Notre Dame fire - MATTHEW WARD

There is evidence that the fire at Notre Dame in Paris was started by arsonists, but most likely the “official” cause will be faulty wiring or simply “unknown.” The cathedral was set ablaze by the Illuminati as unmistakable warnings to French President Macron and Pope Francis.

The message to Macron, one of the Illuminati’s primary puppets in governments, is to crack down on the Yellow Vest movement and not even think about letting France leave the EU, which was established and is controlled by the Illuminati.

The message to Pope Francis: Do not reveal anything about the Vatican’s financial dealings and massive monetary wealth—the Illuminati use some of that to further their aims—and cease efforts to end satanic rituals. As the international headquarters of Satanism, the Vatican is the choice location for human sacrifices, which produce the lowest of vibrations and enable the Illuminati’s very existence. To them, destruction to the cathedral is symbolic of Satan’s power to destroy God.