Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Empty "debunking" claims

It's common to see articles claiming to "debunk" one thing or another. 

Something true can never really be debunked, of course, although the claim is often made.

Too often the "debunking" consists of smearing believers and performing a shallow analysis that ignores any information which undermine the debunking case.

Very rarely does a "debunking" achieve what it sets out to do. Instead, they are often just a propaganda piece used to attack rival views and shore up support for their own, rather than any noteworthy piece of investigative journalism.

Monday, September 7, 2020

Facebook and Tribalism

Before Facebook there was no need for most people to reveal their true identity on the internet. 

Now they have, some things are better and some things are worse!

You can get a better sense of people when their identity is revealed, but anonymity has gone by the wayside and this has led to family and friendship breakdowns because of people speaking out during politically divided times.

This is unfortunate, but an inevitable part of the invisible being made visible or the private being made public.

I think at their heart most people want similar things but social pressures have forced or encouraged many into tribes of thought that see other tribes as their enemy.

Each tribe defines their enemy, by exaggerating their own worst fears about them.

Few of these are realistic, but that's how the divide continues and grows.

All the while the fat cats laugh at our foolishness, while they sneak out with the cash.

Saturday, September 5, 2020

David Icke, Jews and the global plot

I don't think there is a Jewish plot to enslave the world and neither does David Icke, although he is smeared as an "anti-semite" by the ignorant attack dogs who police alternative thought.

There IS a plot to enslave every man, woman and child, of course, but its authorship is not limited to one nation or belief, I don't think.

I see its leadership as being primarily occultists, not Jews, Christians or Moslems.

These are religions the elites have promoted for the public - in their authoritarian form, of course.

Anything which encourages control over the many by the few is used by these people.

These people are called "elitists" or "the power elite", and are at the top of the pyramid of power for each society.

There are many power elites, of course, all over the globe, in all areas of economic significance, but a global cabal seems to have formed around at least one of these groups.

They are said to control the money flow around the world and are involved in every significant area of our lives.

In recent times another group is said to have emerged, to challenge this group.

This second group is said to have Putin at its head.

Some call them the "gold" group.

They fight the "red" group, whose power is centralised in Europe and America.

For more on the last few points read here: