Sunday, December 12, 2021

An emotional reason why people reject conspiracy theories

Many people reject conspiracy theories because they are too dark for them to adopt. Instead they continue to believe the authorities have their best interests at heart.

This is easier for most people to live with than believing there is a sinister conspiracy afoot and that they are being intentionally led astray.

And that peace of mind that comes from believing all is well and above board is something people find valuable.

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Drug dangers and antidotes

It would be good if every drug before it reaches the market had an antidote, in case the effects are unwanted.

Also any drug that causes physical dependence should be only used in the most desperate of situations, if at all.

There are few things worse that being hooked on something that undermines your health and wellbeing, with no easy way off, whether it be legal or illicit.

Friday, October 29, 2021

Not all creatures created by a loving God

I don't believe a loving God created all the creatures on earth such as ticks, leeches, fleas and mosquitoes. 

Whether they came about by evolution or some other means I don't know, but certainly no loving being would create such vile lifeforms. 

Evil scientists maybe, given what they do now with gain of function research and weaponising disease. 

After all, humans are capable of great evil when not in attunement with their spiritual nature and when technical knowhow is added in all manner of horrors are possible.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Corruption, not science

Pretend reasons for government laws are based in science but in reality many important decisions are made more by the transfer of money than anything else. 

In other words people are being paid to create the laws that suit certain vested interests. 

The same interests that control media messaging which push the "had to be done" and "in the public interest" narrative that accompanies all new (corrupt) laws.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

We need to make our own health choices

We are taught to bow down to authorities and that this is to "trust science", but it's up to us to decide what's in our best interests, not "authorities", who may be influenced by things that don't equate to healthy choices for us!

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Re: Medical Freedom Folk

Many people saw this coming. Their focus on vaccines wasn't due to any particular interest in them specifically, just in maintaining bodily integrity and sovereignty (for them and their children) amongst creeping government overreach in this key battleground area.

What is happening now is just an extension of what came before. 

Previously the target was children, due to their lack of political power.

Now it's the adults turn.

All sold under the guise of a pandemic, of course.

Monday, August 9, 2021

I trust plant medicines will be safer

I trust the plant medicines will be safer, but of course even plants can be deadly. But experience generally makes me favour the natural product over the science chemical, when it comes to health. It's the first option anyway. 

Only in desperation do the pharmaceuticals become attractive. For me, they tend to have more pronounced adverse effects than the natural forms in my experience.

Friday, August 6, 2021

For the deceiver to maintain credibility

For the deceiver to maintain credibility only plausible lies can be told. This goes for the people on TV and in newspapers, too. Not everything can be fabricated, without looking ridiculous very soon!

My recent experience with medication

My recent experience with medication has taught me that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, just like in physics.

In other words, any wanted effect tends to be balanced by an unwanted effect, experienced later.

So if I experience relaxation from a drug later discomfort will be experienced. 

This is particularly true for the brain meds.

A pure platform

A pure platform takes no position on anything, beyond providing fair rules of engagement. 

After all, that's what God does with this earth. 

Free will rules. 

We get to choose.

It's called "trusting the individual to create their own life", rather than "imposing your will on other people".

Pic of Ramana Maharshi.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Biochemistry and the soul...

Between neuron and the synapse...
Is that where the soul lives?

Or us the whole process purely deterministic...

Acting like a machine?

Or is there life in there somewhere?

Monday, March 15, 2021

I view the body as a disciplining tool for the soul

The body is a harsh mistress. 

If we mistreat it we will suffer, sooner or later. 

It confines our spirit to one place to experience ourselves and the results of our actions. 

We cannot easily escape these things. 

We learn cause and effect and to live with the consequences of our actions, sometimes for a long time.

When we face reality as it is we have a chance to succeed...

But if we impose on reality what we wish it to be, rather than meeting it AS IT IS, then we set ourselves up for failure.

Anxiety can come from the body or the mind

Just as fearful thoughts can can cause anxiety, so can various bodily states cause our heart rate to rise, adrenaline to flow, and our thoughts to race.

For example, if we aren't receiving the oxygen we need to function normally our body will go into fight or flight mode in an attempt to gain it. 

So if our breathing is restricted or inadequate for our needs we experience anxiety. 

Similarly, if other crucial needs are not being met, such as the need for hydration, food, sleep, space to move, expulsion of bodily wastes in a timely manner, or in the case of extreme pain, poisoning, etc. our body goes into fight or flight mode.

This is an uncomfortable state to be in and is a sign that action needs to be taken to address whatever need is not currently being met.

To not do so only extends the period of our anxiety.


Sunday, February 7, 2021

How to elicit the full power of the placebo effect

The "placebo effect"* relies on the person receiving a treatment being CONVINCED they are receiving a therapeutic agent which will assist their problem. 

Being told they may or may not be receiving a therapeutic agent, as is the case in a randomized trial, will not elicit the full placebo effect.

*a.k.a. the power of belief.

Sunday, January 31, 2021

A mother is challenged on vaccines- ELLIE GREY

I signed both the kids up for the GP practice today only as they both need their hearing tested...But the nurse came out and started having a chat with me - she said that she’d noticed that Marley hadn’t had a single vaccine, and that Skye was years overdue.
I told her that I absolutely would never consent to them having a single vaccine and as soon as they’ve had their hearing tested that we will again be deregistering. 
She then made a comment somewhere along the lines of ‘that’s a very uneducated decision to make, we are medically trained for a reason, so we can save lives...are you? What do you do?’
This pissed me the fuck off! But boy was I glad she asked. My reply -
Thanks for assuming that I am uneducated, a bit of discrimination is great for a Monday morning. I’m actually studying my law degree, of which I have had a result of no lower than 89% for any of my assignments and my medical sciences degree, no lower than 91%. I am studying to specialise in vaccine injury and pharmaceutical corruption. Can you name me 3 ingredients in a vaccine? No. Can you tell me how many human and animal dna cell cultures are in the vaccines? Na. Can you tell me what the VAERS database is? Nuh uh. Can you tell me how many mcg of aluminium a baby receives in the routine 8 week jabs? Nope. Can you even tell me how many vaccines a child receives by age 12? Nada. Can you tell me how much compensation has been paid out for vaccine injury and deaths? No can do. Can you assure me that the safety of combined vaccines has been tested? Noooo. Can you reassure me that you have done over 3000 hours of research like I have? No. Can you tell me you were aware that you are more likely to die from the MMR than mumps, measles or rubella combined? No! Don’t you dare call me uneducated when I can wipe the floor with you on this topic. YOU are the uneducated one, who was trained purely to sell vaccines on behalf of £2bn a year profit pharmaceutical companies. 
Yep, I was rude. And nope, not a single fuck was given 👍
After she left the receptionist booked me in their hearing tests and I muttered *loudly* -
‘Babies don’t start developing their own anti bodies until they are a year old anyway, so even the idea is bullshit’ 🙄
I wasn’t in a good mood."

Monday, January 11, 2021

Cooperation among the powerful of society

Author Kim Michaels says that each society has a power elite and an aspiring power elite, and that the upheavals in our society come in large part from their jockeying for position 

But such conglomerate power only comes from building alliances, which require cooperation. 

It's not just a matter of being a billionaire or a holder of a high office.

These people must work in unison with other power interests to move things in a direction that suits them all.

One person alone is rarely enough, no matter how rich.

National Park entry fees are discriminatory

Charging people to enter national parks discriminates against the poor.

The land is theirs to visit, as much as anyone else.

After all, it isn't privately owned or run to make a profit.

Any funds required to keep the park functioning should come from general revenue and a donation system.

But the ones behind entry fees don't want the poor visiting "their" parks, do they?

That's obviously the real (hidden) motivation.

Such discrimination against the poor is rarely an accident, though it may pretend to be!