Monday, March 15, 2021

I view the body as a disciplining tool for the soul

The body is a harsh mistress. 

If we mistreat it we will suffer, sooner or later. 

It confines our spirit to one place to experience ourselves and the results of our actions. 

We cannot easily escape these things. 

We learn cause and effect and to live with the consequences of our actions, sometimes for a long time.

When we face reality as it is we have a chance to succeed...

But if we impose on reality what we wish it to be, rather than meeting it AS IT IS, then we set ourselves up for failure.

Anxiety can come from the body or the mind

Just as fearful thoughts can can cause anxiety, so can various bodily states cause our heart rate to rise, adrenaline to flow, and our thoughts to race.

For example, if we aren't receiving the oxygen we need to function normally our body will go into fight or flight mode in an attempt to gain it. 

So if our breathing is restricted or inadequate for our needs we experience anxiety. 

Similarly, if other crucial needs are not being met, such as the need for hydration, food, sleep, space to move, expulsion of bodily wastes in a timely manner, or in the case of extreme pain, poisoning, etc. our body goes into fight or flight mode.

This is an uncomfortable state to be in and is a sign that action needs to be taken to address whatever need is not currently being met.

To not do so only extends the period of our anxiety.