Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Verdants “glide” as they walk...

Not an actual Verdant!

to keep their heads level and their senses balanced and alert!

Information about the Verdant race is found in Phillip Krapf's book: The Contact Has Begun.


jeffsolo said...

what has happened to them? supposedly there huge craft was on the darkside of the moon. they pledged not to take off and abandon the human race. I for one wonder if the whole account is true or not.

Todd Goninon said...

If Phillip Krapf's account was true I would say they would still be in a holding pattern on the other side of the moon. That is unless they had completely given up on open contact with the human race which seems unlikely.

Here's a fairly recent article about the matter:

Anonymous said...

Its hard to say if they still are around.I hope so, but have my doubt. I feel they would have started the program around the time Obama was elected the 1st time.there was a real sense of hope worldwide.
Now as far as the grey etc goes,they have nothing to do with this group.the verdants do not prescribe to what the greys are doing to humans.

jeffsolo said...

I think we need to shake things up habit.put the ball in our you ask well let's ask the already choosen ones to now come forth and be a united front.tell the world what it is your supposed to do.then let us all invite the verdants,welcome them to earth,showing that we 90% of population is ready to carry on with the plan they have for us.

jeffsolo said...

I think we need to shake things up abit.put the ball in our you ask well let's ask the already choosen ones to now come forth and be a united front.tell the world what it is your supposed to do.then let us all invite the verdants,welcome them to earth,showing that we 90% of population is ready to carry on with the plan they have for us.

Todd Goninon said...

The Verdant's advice to the human race was that we need to gain control of the planet from the malevolent 10% who have been running it and put in back in the hands of the benevolent 90%. So, I guess quite a lot of political and social activity is needed before we become ripe for contact.

There are a lot of lies dressed as truth on this planet and I think spreading the truth as we understand it is one the key things to do.

jeffsolo said...

I was in advertising,print media.the people will buy the verdant story if the others come out of hiding. It would have to be worldwide.then perhaps the verdants will then make a far as the 10% goes,its unreachable.they know it,we know it.but who really is the 10%.I know them to be the people who have nothing,food,a home,respect.they lash out in desperation. If the verdant don,t know this about the human race.then how can they help us