Friday, February 1, 2013

Should we live our lives by the arbitrary movement...

of a clock?!


Unknown said...

the first time I tripped on psilocybin mushrooms my friends told me it would last up to about 6 to 8 hours, I was tripping bad, I wanted the trip to end so I kept checking the time, but minutes felt like hours, I felt hopeless, but then I realized that time doesn't matter, just go with life just go with the trip and enjoy it, after that the trip got better because I stopped worrying about the time, before you know it the trip ended in, no time, so my answer no

Unknown said...

time is just a form of organization to keep track, for example like when we need to be slaves and go to work to make money from the government, when all we're doing is giving it right back to them when we buy and pay for only the things that the government allows us to, the government makes us buy and pay for only the things they allow because they know there going to get money out of it, our money that we work, slave for