Friday, April 14, 2017

What conspiracy theorists believe

Conspiracy theorists believe, in general, in the existence of a shadow government or deep state that pulls strings behind the scenes but remains unseen by the common man.

Instead, these power elites are seen as controlling the talking points and direction of society by control of the mass media, social institutions and governments.

Are we entities created by space-time?

We are either creations of space-time; creators of space-time; or just visitors journeying through space-time.

If we are creations of space-time, as science assumes, we live and die within space-time. For how could we exist outside of space-time if we are created and supported by it?

If we are the creators of space-time, then we seemingly cannot be hurt by anything that seems to happen in space-time. Damage done or things achieved my be seen to be illusions when we are no longer are focused on space-time. This is the view of Vedanta.

If we are primarily non-physical beings journeying through a realm we did not create (in this case space-time), though may in some way be co-creating, we cannot presumably be destroyed by it either as our essence must exist separately from the physical form it temporarily inhabits.

Science is politically driven, like everything else

Money controls everything, including science. Only ignorant people see it as the holy grail of truth telling. Instead, it is set up to serve vested interests. Science is politically controlled, like all major enterprises, and its direction and the messages it sends out carefully managed.

To make sense out of science we need to understand who funds it and for what purpose.  We also need to understand the agenda of the mouthpiece of science- the mainstream media.  Without the two working together the messages of science would not reach a wide audience.

To control the messages that people receive from "science" there needs to be control of the direction of scientific research and control of the scope and intent of the mainstream media.

This is only possible by collusion among those who control the direction of science funding through foundations and governments, and those who have control of the mainstream media.

Ideas that suit vested interests to promote widely among the community are the areas of research that are encouraged  and the subjects the mainstream media- the lapdogs of the establishment- coninutally talks about.

This control of "talking points", as politicians call them, is the main goal of those behind the current system, so that their interests are promoted by doing so.

Media brainwashing by MATTHEW WARD

SOURCE: Matthew's Messages, August 11, 2011.

My environmental concerns

From an environmental perspective I have no concern with the world ending, or the human race ending. I don't see either of these things happening. Instead, what I am concerned about is the diminution of the quality of life on earth. That is, a decline in the actual experience of being alive on this planet.

This could be due to less pleasant or healthy conditions or less availability of goods and services (including recreational services provided by natural resources). These things could be caused by pollution of the air, water or sea or by the removal or degradation of natural areas.

The purpose of civilisation

The purpose of civilization is to create more and more enhanced lifestyles for its citizens.


Matthew Ward on Trump and Putin