Saturday, April 25, 2020

Accountability in decision making

One of the problems of this world is a lack of accountability. So often we don't know who makes important decisions and those involved are unwilling to put their name to the decisions they make. For example, any time someone is censored on Facebook or YouTube the person who made the decision should be named and their email address given. This is never done. Weak people hide in darkness and avoid taking responsibility for what they do.

We need organisational structures where every decision made has a person's name attached so we can speak with them and understand the reasoning behind their decision. Better still, if we know who manages something we can communicate with them directly before any decision is made that effects us.

This is how transparent organisations that truly serve the public interest operate.

Every other organisation should be avoided at all costs as they can't be trusted to tell the truth, rather they are hiding behind their wall of secrecy, which suggests they are up to no good and unwilling to take responsibility for it!

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