Friday, January 14, 2022

Anti-vaxxers v pro-medical choice people

I think it's important to differentiate between people who think all vaccines should be banned (anti-vaxxers) and people who think we should get to decide what goes into our bodies, without coercion (pro-medical choice). 

It's like differentiating between people who think smoking should be banned (anti-smokers) versus those who think we should get to decide whether to smoke or not for ourselves (pro-choice). 

Media and governments won't do this, as they are in the business of selling vaccines on behalf of pharmaceutical companies and the powerful elites who control and profit from them.

Therefore they push the nonsense idea that anyone who chooses not to have a vaccine is an "anti-vaxxer" who wants to rob you of the choice of whether to receive a vaccine for yourself or not.

This is clearly irresponsible and immoral behaviour, used to bully anyone who has the audacity to not want to partake of their medical products.

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