Saturday, September 16, 2023

Now the establishment finally attack Russell Brand

The establishment are so slow going after their critics it makes me think they're on Mogadon*. 

Assange took years to get to, and so did Alex Jones. Trump took years, Rogan took years and now Russell Brand has taken years to finally attack using old information that has no evidence attached to it as far as I'm aware. But they haven't gone after David Icke. Too boring a petsonal history, I support. No easy lies to conjure. 

It doesn't pay to fuck around if you are eventually going to call out the establishment. They'll get you for that. And anyway promiscuity is a stupid, empty, self-degrading practice. Or is it?

Whatever. The establishment can and will still go to hell.

*A popular tranquiliser from the 70's which seems a relevant relic to revive from the past, considering the establishment is controlled by old farts in mansions, at least 50 years behind the times.

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